
Gem Version Code Climate Dependency Status

Rails renderers

  • CSV renderer for ActiveRecord collections
  • ZIP renderer fo collection of File objects

Big thanks to @beerlington and his render_csv gem.

Rails & Ruby Versions Supported

Rails: 3.0.x - 4.0.x

Ruby: 1.9.3, 2.0.0 and 2.1.0


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'useful_renderers'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install useful_renderers

What is it?

The CSV renderer allows you to render any collection as CSV data.

class LocationsController < ApplicationController
  def index
    @locations = Location.all

    respond_to do |format|
      format.csv  { render csv: @locations }

Will render a CSV file similar to:

Pete's House555 House LnBurlingtonVT054012011-07-26 03:12:44 UTC2011-07-26 03:12:44 UTC
Sebastians's House123 Pup StBurlingtonVT054012011-07-26 03:30:44 UTC2011-07-26 03:30:44 UTC
Someone Else999 Herp DerpBurlingtonVT054012011-07-26 03:30:44 UTC2011-07-26 03:30:44 UTC

Usage Options

There are a few options you can use to customize which columns are included in the CSV file

Exclude columns

respond_to do |format|
  format.csv  { render csv: @locations, except: [:id] }

Limit columns

respond_to do |format|
  format.csv  { render csv: @locations, only: [:address, :zip, 'country.state'] }

Translate headers

Using Class.human_attribute_name(column_name)

respond_to do |format|
  format.csv  { render csv: @locations, translate: true }


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  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request # render_csv

Rails CSV renderer for ActiveRecord collections

Copyright © 2011-2014 Peter Brown. See LICENSE.txt for render_csv. Copyright © 2014 Ondrej Bartas for implementation ZIP and updates of render_csv.