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urlscan.io API wrapper for Ruby.


gem install urlscan

API usage

require "urlscan"

# when given nothing, it tries to load your API key from ENV["URLSCAN_API_KEY"]
api = UrlScan::API.new
# or you can set it manually
api = UrlScan::API.new(api_key)

# Submit a URL to scan
res = api.submit("https://wikipedia.org")

# Get a scan result
res = api.result("ac04bc14-4efe-439d-b356-8384843daf75")

# Get a DOM
res = api.dom("ac04bc14-4efe-439d-b356-8384843daf75")

# Search
res = api.search("wikipedia.org")

Supported API endpoints

HTTP Method URI API method
POST /scan UrlScan::Clients::Community#submit(url, is_public = true)
GET /result/uuid/ UrlScan::Clients::Community#result(uuid)
GET /dom/uuid/ UrlScan::Clients::Community#dom(uuid)
GET /screenshots/uuid.png UrlScan::Clients::Community#screenshot(uuid)
GET /search UrlScan::Clients::Community#search(q, size: 100, offset: 0, sort: "_score")


HTTP Method URI API method
GET /search UrlScan::Clients::Pro#search(query: nil, filter: nil, size: 50)
GET /brands UrlScan::Clients::Pro#brands
GET /kits UrlScan::Clients::Pro#kits
GET /phishfeed UrlScan::Clients::Pro#phishfeed

CLI usage

$ urlscan
  urlscan dom [UUID]         # get the DOM of a scan using the scan id [UUID]
  urlscan help [COMMAND]     # Describe available commands or one specific command
  urlscan result [UUID]      # get the result of a scan using the scan id [UUID]
  urlscan screenshot [UUID]  # get the screenshot(image/png) of a scan using the scan id [UUID]
  urlscan search [QUERY]     # search for scans by [QUERY]
  urlscan submit [URL]       # submit a scan to [URL]



$ urlscan pro
  urlscan pro help [COMMAND]  # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
  urlscan pro search          # search for scans
