
Provides a Rack application that implements endpoints for the AwsS3Multipart Uppy plugin. This enables multipart uploads directly to S3, which is recommended when dealing with large files, as it allows resuming interrupted uploads.


Add the gem to your Gemfile:

gem "uppy-s3_multipart"


Once you've created your S3 bucket, you need to set up CORS for it. The following script sets up minimal CORS configuration needed for multipart uploads on your bucket using the aws-sdk-s3 gem:

require "aws-sdk-s3"

client = Aws::S3::Client.new(
  access_key_id:     "<YOUR KEY>",
  secret_access_key: "<YOUR SECRET>",
  region:            "<REGION>",

  bucket: "<YOUR BUCKET>",
  cors_configuration: {
    cors_rules: [{
      allowed_headers: ["Authorization", "Content-Type", "Origin", "ETag"],
      allowed_methods: ["GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE"],
      allowed_origins: ["*"],
      max_age_seconds: 3000,


This gem provides a Rack application that you can mount inside your main application. If you're using Shrine, you can initialize the Rack application via the uppy_s3_multipart Shrine plugin, otherwise you can initialize it directly.


In the initializer load the uppy_s3_multipart plugin:

require "shrine"
require "shrine/storage/s3"

Shrine.storages = {
  cache: Shrine::Storage::S3.new(...),
  store: Shrine::Storage::S3.new(...),

# ...
Shrine.plugin :uppy_s3_multipart # load the plugin

The plugin will provide a Shrine.uppy_s3_multipart method, which returns an instance of Uppy::S3Multipart::App, which is a Rack app that you can mount inside your main application:

# Rails (config/routes.rb)
Rails.application.routes.draw do
  mount Shrine.uppy_s3_multipart(:cache) => "/s3"

# Rack (config.ru)
map "/s3" do
  run Shrine.uppy_s3_multipart(:cache)

This will add the routes that the AwsS3Multipart Uppy plugin expects:

POST   /s3/multipart
GET    /s3/multipart/:uploadId
GET    /s3/multipart/:uploadId/:partNumber
POST   /s3/multipart/:uploadId/complete
DELETE /s3/multipart/:uploadId

Finally, in your Uppy configuration pass your app's URL as the serverUrl:

// ...
uppy.use(Uppy.AwsS3Multipart, {
  serverUrl: "https://your-app.com/",

Both the plugin and method accepts :options for specifying additional options to the aws-sdk calls (read further for more details on these options):

Shrine.plugin :uppy_s3_multipart, options: {
  create_multipart_upload: { acl: "public-read" } # static

# OR

Shrine.uppy_s3_multipart(:cache, options: {
  create_multipart_upload: -> (request) { { acl: "public-read" } } # dynamic


You can also initialize Uppy::S3Multipart::App directly:

require "uppy/s3_multipart"

resource = Aws::S3::Resource.new(
  access_key_id:     "...",
  secret_access_key: "...",
  region:            "...",

bucket = resource.bucket("my-bucket")

UPPY_S3_MULTIPART_APP = Uppy::S3Multipart::App.new(bucket: bucket)

and mount it in your app in the same way:

# Rails (config/routes.rb)
Rails.application.routes.draw do
  mount UPPY_S3_MULTIPART_APP => "/s3"

# Rack (config.ru)
map "/s3" do

In your Uppy configuration point the serverUrl to your application:

// ...
uppy.use(Uppy.AwsS3Multipart, {
  serverUrl: "https://your-app.com/",

The Uppy::S3Mutipart::App initializer accepts :options for specifying additional options to the aws-sdk calls (read further for more details on these options):

Uppy::S3Multipart::App.new(bucket: bucket, options: {
  create_multipart_upload: { acl: "public-read" }

# OR

Uppy::S3Multipart::App.new(bucket: bucket, options: {
  create_multipart_upload: -> (request) { { acl: "public-read" } }

Custom implementation

If you would rather implement the endpoints yourself, you can utilize Uppy::S3Multipart::Client to make S3 requests.

require "uppy/s3_multipart/client"

client = Uppy::S3Multipart::Client.new(bucket: bucket)


Initiates a new multipart upload.

client.create_multipart_upload(key: "foo", **options)
#=> { upload_id: "MultipartUploadId", key: "foo" }



  • :upload_id -- id of the created multipart upload
  • :key -- object key


Retrieves currently uploaded parts of a multipart upload.

client.list_parts(upload_id: "MultipartUploadId", key: "foo", **options)
#=> [ { part_number: 1, size: 5402383, etag: "etag1" },
#     { part_number: 2, size: 5982742, etag: "etag2" },
#     ... ]



  • array of parts

    • :part_number -- position of the part
    • :size -- filesize of the part
    • :etag -- etag of the part


Returns the endpoint that should be used for uploading a new multipart part.

client.prepare_upload_part(upload_id: "MultipartUploadId", key: "foo", part_number: 1, **options)
#=> { url: "https://my-bucket.s3.amazonaws.com/foo?partNumber=1&uploadId=MultipartUploadId&..." }



  • :url -- endpoint that should be used for uploading a new multipart part via a PUT request


Finalizes the multipart upload and returns URL to the object.

client.complete_multipart_upload(upload_id: upload_id, key: key, parts: [{ part_number: 1, etag: "etag1" }], **options)
#=> { location: "https://my-bucket.s3.amazonaws.com/foo?..." }



  • :location -- URL to the uploaded object


Aborts the multipart upload, removing all parts uploaded so far.

client.abort_multipart_upload(upload_id: upload_id, key: key, **options)
#=> {}



You can run the test suite with

$ bundle exec rake test

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The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.