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Warning! This plugin is of alpha quality. Some things may not work or be unexpectedly slow. You are welcome to try it with your projects and report any issues with the latest release.


This is a Rails gem for using the service. To install it, add it in your Gemfile: gem 'uploadcare-rails', then run:

bundle install


This gem provides ability to attach Uploadcare files to your models. To do that, you need a string field in your model, which is going to hold an Uploadcare file's CDN URL.


The first thing is to configure stuff for Uploadcare. Create a file config/initializers/uploadcare.rb:

Uploadcare::Rails::Engine.configure do
  config.uploadcare.public_key = 'demopublickey'
  config.uploadcare.private_key = 'demoprivatekey'
  config.uploadcare.widget_version = '0.8'

(These are our demo keys. You can use them to try things out. Don't forget to change them to your own keys before building anything serious).


Add an attribute to your model. First, create and run a migration:

rails generate migration AddFileToPost file:string
rake db:migrate

Edit your model to indicate that this field is used for Uploadcare files:

class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
  attr_accessible :content, :name, :title, :file  # don't forget to make this attribute accessible
  is_uploadcare_file :file                        # this is the line you want to add


To display nice widgets for file upload, include the script for desired widget version (here we use 0.8) in your layout.

<%= uploadcare_include_tag version: '0.8' %>

This will include the widget script from Uploadcare CDN via a tag, which is the preferred way to do it. If you omit the version argument (which is fine), the value from config/initializers/uploadcare.rb will be used.

In some circumstances, however, you'd want to run the script code through the asset pipeline, or work offline. To do this, instead of using uploadcare_include_tag just add it to your assets:

// = require uploadcare

This will add the widget script to the pipeline, whichever version of it ships with the version of uploadcare-rails you're using.

Now we can use the Uploadcare widget in our forms:

<%= f.uploadcare_uploader_field :file %>

# or, if you use `simple_form`
<%= form.input :file, as: :uploadcare_uploader %>

Displaying files

Uploadcare-rails gem takes care of storing files when saving a model, so as soon as you add a field to your form, everything should work. You'll be able to show an image with cdn_url (or public_url alias) just like that:

<%= image_tag @post.file.cdn_url("scale_crop/500x200", "effect/grayscale/") %>

If you need the unique identifier that Uploadcare uses to represent a file, it is available like so:

UUID: <%= @post.file.uuid %>
UUID (alias): <%= @post.file.file_id %>

Other information about the file is accessed through the api method that makes a single HTTP request to Uploadcare servers for each file. Use cautiously or cache the returned information somewhere.

File size: <%= @post.file.api.size %> byte(s)