Update Draft Release

Add your latest commit message to your GitHub repository's draft release.


Install this gem with gem install update-draft-release.

Create ~/.netrc file with your GitHub login/password:

machine api.github.com
  password your_password_or_token

To install this gem from repository, clone and run bundle install & rake install in it.


$ update-draft-release your/repo

INFO: Logged in as: zhuochun
INFO: Repository used: your/repo
INFO: Prepare to insert line: New commit e4d5c0bf29055187d13e5e83c909
Old commit 11124f700882108e69ecdcf04074

New commit e4d5c0bf29055187d13e5e83c909
Ok? (Y/N): y
INFO: Updating to URL: https://www.github.com/your/repo/draft
INFO: Release 'Draft' updated!


  • --at-top-level: Insert into top level.
  • --at-the-end: Insert at the end.
  • --in-secton_name: Insert into the section with heading 'Section Name'. E.g. --in-gamma.
  • --create-section: Create a new section if not exists, used with --in-secton_name.
  • --open-url: Open the release URL after update succeed.
  • --can-can: Skip the final confirmation.
  • --i-am-kiasu: Make sure the final confirmation is not skipped.


Run gem uninstall update-draft-release to uninstall.