Do all the things everywhere at the same time
Installation (gem)
gem install uoregon-multissh
Installation (github)
Clone the repo and install the required gems with bundler
git clone
cd multissh
bundle install
On the first run, you'll be prompted to generate a credential file. This file is stored at ~/.ssh/multissh.yaml, with the owner as the current user and mode of 600.
If you decline to generate this file, it will prompt for password if not provided via command line.
If you don't have ssh-agent configured with your keys, it will prompt for a private key password during credential file generation, or during run if you opted out of the credential file.
Usage: multissh.rb --nodes "server1,server2" --command "echo 'hello'"
--nodes "NODES" REQUIRED: "server1,server2,server3" OR "@nodes.txt"
--command "COMMAND" REQUIRED: "echo 'hello'" OR @command.txt
--username "USERNAME" OPTIONAL: current user by default
--password "PASSWORD" OPTIONAL: will prompt if needed
--pkey_password "PASSWORD" OPTIONAL: will prompt if needed
--block OPTIONAL: block mode for command ouptut
--regenerate_config OPTIONAL: regenerate configuration file
--debug OPTIONAL: debug mode
Run a command against a comma-separated list of nodes
ruby multissh.rb --nodes "NODE1,NODE2" --command "COMMAND"
Run a command against a file containing a newline-separated list of nodes
ruby multissh.rb --nodes @nodes.txt --command "COMMAND"
Run a list of newline-separated commands against a newline-separated list of nodes
echo $(hostname)
yum install ruby
ruby -v
ruby multissh.rb --nodes @nodes.txt --command @commands.txt