
uniform_notifier is extracted from bullet, it gives you the ability to send notification through rails logger, customized logger, javascript alert, javascript console, growl, and xmpp.


  1. install directly

    gem install uniform_notifier

if you want to notify by growl or xmpp, you should install them first

gem install ruby-growl
gem install xmpp4r
  1. add it into Gemfile (Bundler)

    gem "uniform_notifier"

you should add ruby-growl and xmpp4r gem if you want.


There are two types of notifications, one is inline_notify, for javascript alert and javascript console notifiers, which returns a string and will be combined, the other is out_of_channel_notify, for rails logger, customized logger, growl and xmpp, which doesn't return anything, just send the message to the notifiers.

By default, all notifiers are disabled, you should enable them first.

# javascript alert
UniformNotifier.alert = true

# javascript console
UniformNotifier.console = true

# rails logger
UniformNotifier.rails_logger = true

# customized logger
logger = File.open('notify.log', 'a+')
logger.sync = true
UniformNotifier.customized_logger = logger

# growl without password
UniformNotifier.growl = true
# growl with passowrd
UniformNotifier.growl = { :password => 'growl password' }

# xmpp
UniformNotifier.xmpp = { :account => '[email protected]',
                         :password => 'bullets_password_for_jabber',
                         :receiver => '[email protected]',
                         :show_online_status => true }

After that, you can enjoy the notifiers, that's cool!

# the notify message will be notified to rails logger, customized logger, growl or xmpp.

# the notify message will be wrapped by <script type="text/javascript">...</script>,
# you should append the javascript_str at the bottom of http response body.
# for more information, please check https://github.com/flyerhzm/bullet/blob/master/lib/bullet/rack.rb
responses = []
UniformNotifier.active_notifiers.each do |notifier|
  responses << notifier.inline_notify(notify_message)
javascript_str = responses.join("\n")