Unidom Price 价格领域模型引擎

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Unidom (UNIfied Domain Object Model) is a series of domain model engines. The Price domain model engine includes Pricing and its relative models. Unidom (统一领域对象模型)是一系列的领域模型引擎。价格领域模型引擎包括定价及其相关的模型。

Recent Update

Check out the Road Map to find out what's the next. Check out the Change Log to find out what's new.

Usage in Gemfile

gem 'unidom-price'

Run the Database Migration

rake db:migrate

The migration versions start with 200203.

Call the Model

# Create 2 Prices for the same product
product = Product.create name: 'iPhone 6S'
pricer  = Person.create  name: 'John'
price   = Unidom::Price::Price.create(priced: product,
  pricer:           pricer,
  calculation_code: 'AMNT',
  pricing_code:     'BASE',
  charging_code:    'ONCE',
  currency_code:    'RMB',
  amount:           20.00,
  description:      'the normal price',
  instruction:      'Here is a promotion coming soon.',
  opened_at:        Time.now)
promotion_price = Unidom::Price::Price.create(priced: product,
  pricer:           pricer,
  calculation_code: 'PCNT',
  pricing_code:     'DSCT',
  charging_code:    'ONCE',
  currency_code:    'RMB',
  amount:           15.00,
  description:      'the promotion price',
  instruction:      'Here is a promotion coming 1 week later.',
  opened_at:        Time.now+7.days)

# Find the prices.
prices = Unidom::Price::Price.priced_is(product).priced_by(pricer).charging_coded_as('ONCE').currency_coded_as('RMB').valid_at.alive.first

# Price a product
Unidom::Price::Price.price! product, amount: 100

Include the Concerns

include Unidom::Price::Concerns::AsPriced
include Unidom::Price::Concerns::AsPricer

As Priced

The As Priced concern do the following tasks for the includer automatically:

  1. Define the has_many :prices macro as: has_many :prices, class_name: 'Unidom::Price::Price', as: :priced

As Pricer

The As Priced concern do the following tasks for the includer automatically:

  1. Define the has_many :pricings macro as: has_many :pricings, class_name: 'Unidom::Price::Price', as: :pricer