Unidom Order 订单领域模型引擎

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Unidom (UNIfied Domain Object Model) is a series of domain model engines. The Order domain model engine includes Order, Order Item, and Order Adjustment models. Unidom (统一领域对象模型)是一系列的领域模型引擎。订单领域模型引擎包括订单、订单项和订单调整的模型。

Recent Update

Check out the Road Map to find out what's the next. Check out the Change Log to find out what's new.

Usage in Gemfile

gem 'unidom-order'

Run the Database Migration

rake db:migrate

The migration versions start with 200206.

Call the Model

lady = Person.create name: 'Ann'
shop = Shop.create   name: 'WalMart'

order = Unidom::Order::Order.create(placer: lady,
  taker:       shop,
  number:      'ZBCDEFGHIJKL',
  instruction: 'Please mail to me as soon as possible.',
  description: 'gifts for my kids',
  opened_at:   Time.now)

game = Product.create name: 'World War II'
ball = Product.create name: 'Basketball'

order.items.create(ordered: game,
  placer:          lady,
  ordinal:         1,
  unit_price:      19.99,
  quantity:        1,
  purchase_amount: 19.99,
  subtotal_amount: 23.98,
  instruction:     'We need the 2nd version.',
  description:     'video game',
  opened_at:       Time.now)
order.items.create(ordered: ball,
  placer:          lady,
  ordinal:         2,
  unit_price:      35.00,
  quantity:        2,
  purchase_amount: 70.00,
  subtotal_amount: 70.00,
  instruction:     'We need 2 balls.',
  description:     'video game',
  opened_at:       Time.now)

  adjustment_factor_code: 'FRGT',
  calculation_code:       'AMNT',
  amount:                 5.00,
  instruction:            'arrive in 3 days',
  description:            'freight',
  opened_at:              Time.now)
  adjustment_factor_code: 'TAXF',
  calculation_code:       'PCNT',
  amount:                 15.00,
  instruction:            'tax rate is 15%',
  description:            'tax',
  opened_at:              Time.now)

order.purchase_amount  = order.items.sum('purchase_amount')
order.aggregate_amount = order.items.sum('subtotal_amount')+order.adjustments.sum('amount')

order = Unidom::Order::Order.where(number: 'ZBCDEFGHIJKL').first
order.items       # Order Items
order.adjustments # Order Adjustments

Unidom::Order::OrderItem.order! product, of: order, unit_price: 1080.00, quantity: 2
# Add the given product into the given order

Unidom::Order::OrderAdjustment.adjust! order, amount: 20, due_to: 'DSCT', opened_at: Time.now
# Add the given adjustment into the given order

Include the Concerns

include Unidom::Order::AsAdjusted
include Unidom::Order::AsOrderPlacer
include Unidom::Order::AsOrderTaker

As Adjusted concern

The As Adjusted concern do the following tasks for the includer automatically:

  1. Define the has_many :adjustments macro as: has_many :adjustments, class_name: 'Unidom::Order::OrderAdjustment', as: :adjusted

  2. Define the #is_adjusted! method as: is_adjusted!(amount, due_to: 'FRGT', at: Time.now)

  3. Define the #is_adjusted? method as: is_adjusted?(due_to: 'FRGT', at: Time.now)

As Order Placer concern

The As Order Placer concern do the following tasks for the includer automatically:

  1. Define the has_many :placed_orders macro as: has_many :placed_orders, class_name: 'Unidom::Order::Order', as: :placer

As Order Taker concern

The As Order Taker concern do the following tasks for the includer automatically:

  1. Define the has_many :taken_orders macro as: has_many :taken_orders, class_name: 'Unidom::Order::Order', as: :taker

Enum codes

Adjustment Factor enum code 调整因素

Unidom::Order::AdjustmentFactor::DISCOUNT_ADJUSTMENT           # 折扣调整
Unidom::Order::AdjustmentFactor::SURCHARGE_ADJUSTMENT          # 额外费调整
Unidom::Order::AdjustmentFactor::SALES_TAX                     # 销售税
Unidom::Order::AdjustmentFactor::SHIPPING_AND_HANDLING_CHARGES # 装运和处理费
Unidom::Order::AdjustmentFactor::FEE                           # 手续费
Unidom::Order::AdjustmentFactor::MISCELLANEOUS_CHARGE          # 杂项收费

Disable the Model & Migration

If you only need the app components other than models, the migrations should be neglected, and the models should not be loaded.

# config/initializers/unidom.rb
Unidom::Common.configure do |options|

  options[:neglected_namespaces] = %w{


RSpec examples

RSpec example manifest (run automatically)

# spec/models/unidom_spec.rb
require 'unidom/order/models_rspec'

# spec/types/unidom_spec.rb
require 'unidom/order/types_rspec'

# spec/validators/unidom_spec.rb
require 'unidom/order/validators_rspec'

RSpec shared examples (to be integrated)

# lib/unidom.rb
Unidom::Party::Person.class_eval do

  include Unidom::Order::Concerns::AsOrderPlacer


Unidom::Party::Shop.class_eval do

  include Unidom::Order::Concerns::AsOrderTaker


# spec/support/unidom_rspec_shared_examples.rb
require 'unidom/order/rspec_shared_examples'

# spec/models/unidom/party/person_spec.rb
describe Unidom::Party::Person, type: :model do

  it_behaves_like 'Unidom::Order::Concerns::AsOrderPlacer', model_attributes


# spec/models/unidom/party/shop_spec.rb
describe Unidom::Party::Shop, type: :model do

  it_behaves_like 'Unidom::Order::Concerns::AsOrderTaker', model_attributes
