
The uncoil gem is a one stop shop for un-shortening urls.

The idea is based off of my site http://uncoil.me and I built this as part of my UWE-Ruby fall project.

Why the heck does this exist?

This gem is all about transparency and safety, and knowing where you are going on the internet.

There are a few instances where it may come in handy:

  • You want to make sure you're not heading into an obviously sketchy site
  • You're at work and want to keep out the NSFW


I have no idea where http://bit.ly/2EEjBl really goes.

But by expanding it with uncoil, I can see that it goes to http://www.cnn.com

How the app works

  1. Extract the domain from the url
  2. See if it matches with any of the supported APIs
    • If so, it calls the correct API method
    • If no matching method is found, it runs through an HTTP loop until it receives a 200 response
  3. It then returns a hash containing, among other items, the full url

Current Issues

Future Enhancements

Here are a few ideas I have for the future:

  • Additional APIs as they become available
    • These seem to be faster than a general HTTP request loop
  • Modularized structure with each API's content in its own file
  • Dynamic method assignment based on domain.
    • This goes with the modularized structure above, because it allows you to just drop more API files into the folder and not have to modify the main method
  • Better error handling (I'd appreciate any comments on what to catch and what to leave)