Ufo - Easy Way to Build and Ship Docker to AWS ECS


Ufo is a tool that makes building and shipping Docker images to AWS ECS super easy.

The main command is ufo ship. Here's summary of what it does:

  1. Builds a docker image. 
  2. Generates and registers the ECS template definition. 
  3. Deploys the ECS template definition to the ECS service.

Ufo deploys a task definition that is written in a templating language that is easily and fully controllable.

See ufoships.com for full documentation.


If you want to quickly install ufo without having to worry about ufo’s dependencies you can simply install the Bolts Toolbelt which has ufo included.

brew cask install boltopslabs/software/bolts

Or if you prefer you can install ufo with RubyGems

gem install ufo

Full installation instructions are at Install Ufo.

Quick Start

To quickly demonstrate how simple it is to use ufo we will use an example app from tongueroo/hi. The app is a barebones sinatra app. Here are the steps:

brew cask install boltopslabs/software/bolts
git clone https:///github.com/tongueroo/hi.git
cd hi
ufo init --app=hi --env stag --cluster=stag --image=tongueroo/hi
ufo ship hi-web-stag

Congratulations, you have successfully used ufo to deploy to an ECS service.



Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/tongueroo/ufo/issues.