
Uberspacify helps you deploy a Ruby on Rails app on Uberspace, a popular German shared hosting provider.

All the magic is built into a couple nice Capistrano scripts. Uberspacify will create an environment for your app, install Passenger, run it in standalone mode, monitor it using Daemontools, and configure Apache to reverse-proxy to it. Uberspacify will also find out your Uberspace MySQL password and create databases as well as a database.yml


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'uberspacify'

And then execute:

$ bundle

This should install uberspacify as well as Capistrano and some other gems for you.

Now execute the following to get a Capfile and a deploy.rb:

$ capify .

If you are using Rails' asset pipeline, add this line to your Capfile:

load 'deploy/assets'

Now, you need to add a few lines regarding your Uberspace to your config/deploy.rb. It is safe to copy, paste & adapt the following:

require 'uberspacify/recipes'

# the Uberspace server you are on
server 'phoenix.uberspace.de', :web, :app, :db, :primary => true

# your Uberspace username
set :user, 'ubernaut'

# a name for your app, [a-z0-9] should be safe, will be used for your gemset,
# databases, directories, etc.
set :application, 'dummyapp'

# the repo where your code is hosted
set :scm, :git
set :repository, 'https://github.com/yeah/dummyapp.git'

# optional stuff from here

# By default, your app will be available in the root of your Uberspace. If you
# have your own domain set up, you can configure it here
# set :domain, 'www.dummyapp.com'

# By default, uberspacify will generate a random port number for Passenger to
# listen on. This is fine, since only Apache will use it. Your app will always
# be available on port 80 and 443 from the outside. However, if you'd like to
# set this yourself, go ahead.
# set :passenger_port, 55555

Done. That was the hard part. It's easy from here on out. Next, add all new/modified files to version control. If you use Git, the following will do:

$ git add . ; git commit -m 'uberspacify my app!' ; git push

And here comes the fun part - get it all up and running on Uberspace! These commands should teleport your app to the Uberspace (execute them one by one and keep an eye on the output):

$ bundle exec cap deploy:setup
$ bundle exec cap deploy:migrations

(Be sure to have your public key set up on your Uberspace account already.)

This will do a whole lot of things, so don't get nervous, it takes some time. After Capistrano is done, please wait some more. When Passenger starts for the first time, it will actually compile an nginx server. Don't worry though, subsequent starts will be fast.

Now, after some time, your app should be available on your Uberspace URI.

Should you ever need to stop/start/restart your app, you can do so using Capistrano's standard:

$ bundle exec cap deploy:{stop|start|restart}

That's it folks. Have fun.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request