Uber SDK for Ruby

A Ruby SDK for the Uber API


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Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:

ruby gem "uber-sdk", require: "uber"

And then execute:

bash $ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

bash $ gem install uber-sdk


ruby client = Uber::Client.new do |config| config.server_token = "YOUR_SERVER_TOKEN" config.client_id = "YOUR_CLIENT_ID" config.client_secret = "YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET" end


Request Products

ruby client = Uber::Client.new do |config| config.server_token = "YOUR_SERVER_TOKEN" end client.products(latitude: lat, longitude: lon)

Request price estimations

ruby client = Uber::Client.new do |config| config.server_token = "YOUR_SERVER_TOKEN" end client.price_estimations(start_latitude: slat, start_longitude: slon, end_latitude: dlat, end_longitude: dlon)

Request time estimations

ruby client = Uber::Client.new do |config| config.server_token = "YOUR_SERVER_TOKEN" end client.time_estimations(start_latitude: slat, start_longitude: slon)

Retrieve user info

ruby client = Uber::Client.new do |config| config.server_token = "YOUR_SERVER_TOKEN" config.client_id = "YOUR_CLIENT_ID" config.client_secret = "YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET" config.bearer_token = "USER_ACCESS_TOKEN" end client.me

Retrieve user activities

ruby client = Uber::Client.new do |config| config.server_token = "YOUR_SERVER_TOKEN" config.client_id = "YOUR_CLIENT_ID" config.client_secret = "YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET" config.bearer_token = "USER_ACCESS_TOKEN" end client.history

Request a ride

```ruby client = Uber::Client.new do |config| config.client_id = “YOUR_CLIENT_ID” config.client_secret = “YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET” config.bearer_token = “USER_ACCESS_TOKEN” end

client.trip_request(product_id: product_id, start_latitude: start_lat, start_longitude: start_lng, end_latitude: end_lat, end_longitude: end_lng) ```

Simulate a ride request with surge

```ruby client = Uber::Client.new do |config| config.client_id = “YOUR_CLIENT_ID” config.client_secret = “YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET” config.bearer_token = “USER_ACCESS_TOKEN” end

Only available in sandbox environment

# Use this to simulate a surge # More info here https://developer.uber.com/docs/sandbox#section-product-types client.apply_surge ‘product_id’, 2.0

client.trip_request(product_id: product_id, start_latitude: start_lat, start_longitude: start_lng, end_latitude: end_lat, end_longitude: end_lng, surge_confirmation_id: surge_id) ```

Simulate a ride request with no drivers available

```ruby client = Uber::Client.new do |config| config.client_id = “YOUR_CLIENT_ID” config.client_secret = “YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET” config.bearer_token = “USER_ACCESS_TOKEN” end

Only available in sandbox environment

# Use this to simulate a request with no drivers available # More info here https://developer.uber.com/docs/sandbox#section-product-types client.apply_availability ‘product_id’, false

client.trip_request(product_id: product_id, start_latitude: start_lat, start_longitude: start_lng, end_latitude: end_lat, end_longitude: end_lng) ```

Update the status of a ride request

```ruby client = Uber::Client.new do |config| config.client_id = “YOUR_CLIENT_ID” config.client_secret = “YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET” config.bearer_token = “USER_ACCESS_TOKEN” end

Only available in sandbox environment

# Use this to simulate the status change of a ride request # More info here https://developer.uber.com/docs/sandbox#section-request

client.trip_update(‘request_id’, ‘accepted’) ```

Retrieve a ride request details

```ruby client = Uber::Client.new do |config| config.client_id = “YOUR_CLIENT_ID” config.client_secret = “YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET” config.bearer_token = “USER_ACCESS_TOKEN” end

client.trip_details ‘request_id’ ```

Cancel a ride request

```ruby client = Uber::Client.new do |config| config.client_id = “YOUR_CLIENT_ID” config.client_secret = “YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET” config.bearer_token = “USER_ACCESS_TOKEN” end

client.trip_cancel ‘request_id’ ```


  1. Fork it ( http://github.com/chrisenytc/uber-sdk/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


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