
A gem providing matchers to aid in testing


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'uat-matchers'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install uat-matchers



User Acceptance Test tooling

     sets the url used by instances that include this module
   #make_rpc(rpc_class, method, request, response_class, &optional_block)
     when the request is successful
       performs an rspec expectation that the class of the response matches "response_class"
       behaves like an rpc call
         creates an instance of rpc_class using the "client" class method, passing a hash with the url parts
         calls the "method" on the resulting rpc_client, passing in the request
         registers a callback for success
         registers a callback for failure
       and if the rspec expectation fails
         raises an exception
       and if the rspec expectation passes
         and a block is passed
           calls the block, passing in the response
     when the request is a failure
       raises an exception
       which is the result of calling inspect on the parameter in the on_error handler block (PENDING: Temporarily skipped with xit)
       behaves like an rpc call
         creates an instance of rpc_class using the "client" class method, passing a hash with the url parts
         calls the "method" on the resulting rpc_client, passing in the request
         registers a callback for success
         registers a callback for failure