
Type Tempest is a type-checking gem for Ruby methods, which automates the tedious pattern of raise ArgumentError, "Blah is ivalid" unless blah.is_a?(String)

Say what you will about dynamic typing -- this is for those times where one does not want a million possibilities in their inputs.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'type_tempest'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install type_tempest


Type Tempest adds two similar, top-level, and syntactically-odd methods to Ruby: check() and strict().

check() passes if the given variable matches the given class, or one of its subclasses. (var.is_a?(Klass)).

strict() passes if the given variable matches the given class. (var.instance_of?(Klass))

Use these shortcuts as the first line in a method whose parameters you would like to check, as such:

def checkme(a_string, a_int, another_string)
    check (String) {:a_string}
    check (Fixnum) {:a_int}
    strict (String) {:another_string}

    # some code here...


Behind the scenes, TypeTempest eval()s the result of the given block and throws TypeMismatchError if the result's type differs from what is expected (as in, it fails is_a?() or instance_of?()). In this example, the first call to checkme() would pass, but the second would throw TypeMismatchError:

checkme("Hi", 2, "ada") # => "Done!"
checkme(0,0,0) # => Parameter a_string should be of type String, but was instead Fixnum (TypeMismatchError)


The check (String) {:a_string} syntax is awkward and not very Ruby-like. Using blocks to access the caller's binding is a bit of a hack, and if there were an easier way to walk the call-stack and derive method parameters then the syntax would be different.

An ideal version of this feature would look like this: check String a_string or strict Geometry::Box box_obj. Unfortunately...

  • I am not aware of any way to cheaply retreive both the contents (variable names, etc) and values of a block.
  • I am not aware of any way to cheaply walk the call-stack in a way that allows one to retreive a caller's parameter names and values.
  • I am not aware of any other way to evaluate code in the context of the caller.
  • Block syntax seems to only work when method parameters are wrapped in ( and ).
  • Passing local_variables, _, or a self-reference to check() would further clutter syntax.
  • Blocks must be designated with {} or do..end

For these reasons, syntax is presented as-is, with possible tweaks towards the stated goal saved for major revisions.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request