Type Scopes

Type scopes creates useful scopes based on the type of the columns of your models. It handles dates, times, strings and numerics.

Here are examples for all the available scopes:

# paid_at: datetime
# amount: decimal
# description: string
class Transaction < ActiveRecord::Base
  include TypeScopes

# Time scopes
Transaction.paid_to("2017-09-06") # => where("paid_at <= '2017-09-06'")
Transaction.paid_from("2017-09-06") # => where("paid_at >= '2017-09-06'")
Transaction.paid_after("2017-09-06") # => where("paid_at > '2017-09-06'")
Transaction.paid_before("2017-09-06") #= where("paid_at < '2017-09-06'")
Transaction.paid_between("2017-09-06", "2017-09-07")  # => where("paid_at BETWEEN '2017-09-06' AND '2017-09-07'")
Transaction.paid_not_between("2017-09-06", "2017-09-07")  # => where("paid_at NOT BETWEEN '2017-09-06' AND '2017-09-07'")
Transaction.paid_within("2017-09-06", "2017-09-07")  # => where("paid_at > '2017-09-06' AND paid_at < '2017-09-07'")
Transaction.paid_not_within("2017-09-06", "2017-09-07")  # => where("paid_at <= '2017-09-06' OR paid_at >= '2017-09-07'")

# Numeric scopes
Transaction.amount_to(100) # => where("amount <= 100")
Transaction.amount_from(100) # => where("amount >= 100")
Transaction.amount_above(100) # => where("amount > 100")
Transaction.amount_below(100) # => where("amount < 100")
Transaction.amount_between(100, 200) # => where("amount BETWEEN 100 AND 200")
Transaction.amount_not_between(100, 200) # => where("amount NOT BETWEEN 100 AND 200")
Transaction.amount_within(100, 200) # => where("amount > 100 AND amount < 200")
Transaction.amount_not_within(100, 200) # => where("amount <= 100 OR amount >= 200")

# String scopes
Transaction.description_contains("foo") # => where("description LIKE '%foo%'")
Transaction.description_starts_with("foo") # => where("description LIKE 'foo%'")
Transaction.description_ends_with("foo") # => where("description LIKE '%foo'")

# Boolean scopes
Transaction.non_profit # => where("non_profit = true")
Transaction.not_non_profit # => where("non_profit = false")
Transaction.is_valid # => where("is_valid = true")
Transaction.is_not_valid # => where("is_valid = false")
Transaction.has_payment # => where("has_payment = true")
Transaction.has_not_payment # => where("has_payment = false")
Transaction.was_processed # => where("was_processed = true")
Transaction.was_not_processed # => where("was_processed = false")

For the string scope the pattern matching is escaped:

Transaction.description_contains("%foo_") # => where("description LIKE '%[%]foo[_]%'")


Add to your Gemfile:

gem "type_scopes"

And run in your terminal:

bundle install

Then include TypeScopes from your models:

class Transaction < ActiveRecord::Base
  include TypeScopes

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Made by Base Secrète.

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