twitterlost is a command-line tool to keep track of your Twitter followers. Each time it runs it shows you the new and lost followers since the last time it ran.


Keep track of your twitter followers, see who has unfollowed you. Sadly it will not tell you why (but it was probably because of something you did).


  1. Install the gem.

  2. mkdir ~/.twitterlost (or run twitterlost once and it will be created for you)

  3. Edit ~/.twitterlost/twitter.yml with the following information:

:login: $USERNAME :password: $PASSWORD

That’s it. The first time you run twitterlost it will see all your followers as new; after that it will only report changes.


Twitterlost is released under the MIT license. Take it, play with it, do whatever you want with it, keep this version free.


Why did I write Twitterlost? Because I think is a good service wrapped around a brilliant idea, but I didn’t want to give them my Twitter login and password. If you don’t see a problem with giving them your login credentials, then by all means use their service; it’s better than this hack. They’ll send you regular email updates and such, where twitterlost has to be run by hand.

Known Issues

twitterlost uses the Twitter API to retrieve your list of friends. This is returned in chunks of 100. If you have more than 100 followers, twitterlost must make multiple calls to Twitter. EACH CALL counts towards Twitter’s 70-calls-per-hour limit. If you have many followers and are running a polling Twitter client, Twitter may slap you withan “overloaded” message. If this happens to twitterlost, it interprets this as the end of your friends list, which means it will report all those people as lost friends. They’ll come back the next time you run twitterlost.