Drop-in login functionality for your webapp

Drop this Rack middleware in your web application to enable user logins through Twitter.

How to use

First, register a new Twitter application (if you haven't already). Check the "Yes, use Twitter for login" option. You can put anything as "Callback URL" since the real callback URL is provided dynamically, anyway. Note down your OAuth consumer key and secret.

Next, install this library:

[sudo] gem install twitter-login

You have to require 'twitter/login' in your app. If you're using Bundler:

## Gemfile
source 'http://gemcutter.org'
gem 'twitter-login', :require_as => 'twitter/login'

Now configure your app to use the middleware. This might be different across web frameworks.

## Sinatra
enable :sessions
use Twitter::Login, :consumer_key => 'KEY', :secret => 'SECRET'
helpers Twitter::Login::Helpers

## Rails
# environment.rb:
config.middleware.use Twitter::Login, :consumer_key => 'KEY', :secret => 'SECRET'

# application_controller.rb
include Twitter::Login::Helpers

Fill in the :consumer_key, :secret placeholders with real values. You're done.

What it does

This middleware handles GET requests to "/login" resource of your app. Make a login link that points to "/login" and you're all set to receive logins from Twitter.

The user will first be redirected to Twitter to approve your application. After that he or she is redirected back to "/login" with an OAuth verifier GET parameter. The middleware then identifies the authenticating user, saves this info to session and redirects to the root of your website.


Available options for Twitter::Login middleware are:

  • :consumer_key -- OAuth consumer key (required)
  • :secret -- OAuth secret (required)
  • :login_path -- where user goes to login (default: "/login")
  • :return_to -- where user goes after login (default: "/")


The Twitter::Login::Helpers module (for Sinatra, Rails) adds these methods to your app:

  • twitter_user (Hashie::Mash) -- Info about authenticated user. Check this object to know whether there is a currently logged-in user. Access user data like twitter_user.screen_name
  • twitter_logout -- Erases info about Twitter login from session, effectively logging-out the Twitter user
  • twitter_client (Twitter::Base) -- An OAuth consumer client from "twitter" gem. With it you can query anything on behalf of authenticated user, e.g. twitter_client.friends_timeline