
Build Status

Twingly URL tools.

  • twingly/url - Parse and validate URLs
    • Twingly::URL.parse - Returns one or more Twingly::URL instance
  • twingly/url/hasher - Generate URL hashes suitable for primary keys
    • Twingly::URL::Hasher.taskdb_hash(url) - MD5 hexdigest
    • Twingly::URL::Hasher.blogstream_hash(url) - MD5 hexdigest
    • Twingly::URL::Hasher.documentdb_hash(url) - SHA256 unsigned long, native endian digest
    • Twingly::URL::Hasher.autopingdb_hash(url) - SHA256 64-bit signed, native endian digest
    • Twingly::URL::Hasher.pingloggerdb_hash(url) - SHA256 64-bit unsigned, native endian digest
  • twingly/url/utilities - Utilities to work with URLs
    • Twingly::URL::Utilities.extract_valid_urls - Returns Array of valid Twingly::URL

Getting Started

Install the gem:

gem install twingly-url

Usage (this output was created with examples/url.rb):

require "twingly/url"

url = Twingly::URL.parse("")
url.scheme              # => "http"
url.trd                 # => "www"
url.sld                 # => "twingly"
url.tld                 # => ""
url.ttld                # => "uk"
url.domain              # => ""                # => ""
url.origin              # => ""
url.path                # => "/search"
url.without_scheme      # => "//"
url.valid?              # => "true"

url = Twingly::URL.parse("https://admin:[email protected]/")
url.scheme              # => "https"
url.trd                 # => ""
url.sld                 # => "example"
url.tld                 # => "com"
url.ttld                # => "com"
url.domain              # => ""                # => ""
url.origin              # => ""
url.path                # => "/"
url.without_scheme      # => "//admin:[email protected]/"
url.userinfo            # => "admin:correcthorsebatterystaple"
url.user                # => "admin"
url.password            # => "correcthorsebatterystaple"
url.valid?              # => "true"


The gem requires libidn.

sudo apt-get install libidn11 # Ubuntu
brew install libidn # OS X


Run tests with

bundle exec rake


You can get some profiling by running

bundle exec rake profile:normalize

Note that this isn't a benchmark, we're using ruby-prof which will slow things down.

Release workflow

  • Update the examples in this README if needed, generate the output with

    ruby examples/url.rb
  • Bump the version in lib/twingly/version.rb in a commit, no need to push (the release task does that).

  • Make sure you are logged in as twingly at

  • Build and publish the gem. This will create the proper tag in git, push the commit and tag and upload to RubyGems.

    bundle exec rake release