
twilio_phone_verification is a gem for Ruby on Rails applications which you can use to verify user’s phone numbers using


Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:

ruby gem "twilio_phone_verification"

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install twilio_phone_verification


First of all you need to install config files. You can to it using this command:

bash rails g twilio_phone_verification:install [USER_CLASS]


bash rails g twilio_phone_verification:install User

It wil generate two files config/initializers/twilio_phone_verification.rb and add_phone_to_users migration. You will have to set your secret keys in initializer file or put it in .env file.

ruby TwilioPhoneVerification.configure do |config| config.account_sid = ENV.fetch("TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID") # Paste your twilio account id here config.auth_token = ENV.fetch("TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN") # Paste your twilio auth token here config.from = ENV.fetch("TWILIO_NUMBER") # Paste your twilio number here end

After this you will need to add concern to your model

```ruby class User < ActiveRecord::Base include TwilioPhoneVerification::Phonable # add this line to your model

# You can customize defaults # You can just ignore these if you want def phone_confirmation_delay 1.minute # delay between each sms message end

def get_phone_confirmation_token (0..9).to_a.sample(6) # confirmation token end

def phone_confirmation_message “Hello, #name. Your verification code: #phone_confirmation_token” # sms message which we send to user end end ```

That’s it!


Now you can call some new methods on your model

Method Description
phone_confirmed? Returns true if phone was confirmed, or false if it wasn’t.
send_phone_confirmation Generate and send generated code to user’s phone number. Returns true if code was sent, or false if it wasn’t
confirm_phone_by_code(code) Returns true and makes user’s phone verified if code was correct, otherwise false.
confirm_phone Confirms user’s phone number without sending a code

If one of these methods returns false, you can see error in .errors method. (except phone_confirmed?)

Note: Code can be sent only once per 60 seconds, if you call send_phone_confirmation few times, it will send only one code.

Note: No need to validate phone. It validates phone out of the box :)


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.