Turbo Sprockets for Rails 3.2.x

Build Status

  • Speeds up your Rails 3 rake assets:precompile by only recompiling changed assets, based on a hash of their source files
  • Only compiles once to generate both fingerprinted and non-fingerprinted assets

This is a backport of the work I've done for Rails 4.0.0, released as a gem for Rails 3.2.x. (See sprockets-rails #21 and sprockets #367 for the Rails 4 pull requests.)


Please test this out thoroughly on your local machine before deploying to a production site, and open an issue on GitHub if you have any problems. By using this software you agree to the terms and conditions in the MIT license.

Supported Versions


All versions of Ruby that are supported by Rails 3.2.x, including 1.9.3, 1.9.2, 1.8.7 and REE.


This gem only supports Rails 3.2.0 or higher.


Just drop the gem in your Gemfile:

gem 'turbo-sprockets-rails3'

Run bundle, and you're done!

Test it out by running rake assets:precompile. When it's finished, your public/assets/manifest.yml file should include a :source_digests hash for your assets.

Go on, run rake assets:precompile again, and it should be a whole lot faster than before.

Enjoy your lightning fast deploys!



Fully compatible. Just don't use the experimental AssetSync.config.manifest = true configuration option until my asset_sync patch has been merged.

Please let me know if you have any problems with other gems, and I will either fix it, or make a note of the problem here.



turbo-sprockets-rails3 should work out of the box with Capistrano.


You won't be able to do an 'incremental update' on heroku, since your public/assets folder will be empty at the start of each push. However, this gem can still cut your precompile time in half, since it only needs to compile assets once.

If you want to make the most of turbo-sprockets-rails3, you can run assets:precompile on your local machine and commit the compiled assets. When you push compiled assets to Heroku, it will automatically skip the assets:precompile task.

I've automated this process in a Rake task for my own projects. My task creates a deployment repo at tmp/heroku_deploy so that you can keep working while deploying, and it also rebases and amends the assets commit to keep your repo's history from growing out of control. You can find the deploy task in a gist at https://gist.github.com/3802355. Save this file to lib/tasks/deploy.rake, and make sure you have added a heroku remote to your repo. You will now be able to run rake deploy to deploy your app to Heroku.


If you would like to view debugging information in your terminal during the assets:precompile task, add the following lines to the bottom of config/environments/production.rb:

config.log_level = :debug
config.logger = Logger.new(STDOUT)