
Constructs index keys for tuples.

What is it for?

  1. Assign keys to tuples (immutable value types) that do not have unique ids (primary keys). This can be used to store a tuplespace in a key-value store.

  2. Keys for similar tuples should be similar, to keep them close in storage, reducing cache misses and page faults.

  3. The key construction preserves ordering in such a way that the index can be used as an approximate secondary index for multidimensional range queries.

What does it do?

Tuplex gives you a function that turns a tuple into a string that can be used as a key in a key-value store. The key is non-unique, so you'll need to use the value to disambiguate (see examples).

For tuples of a given signature (same array sizes, map keys, type of each value, etc.), the function is monotonic on each value. For example:

["foo", 1, 2]
["foo", 1, 3]

These two tuples have the same signature: three elements of types string, number, and number, respectively.

The index keys for these tuples are as follows:

>> Tuplex.make_key(["foo", 1, 2])
=> "\x97\xB0kL\xA0\xC9\x00\xD1\x00hwn"
>> Tuplex.make_key(["foo", 1, 3])
=> "\x97\xB0kL\xA0\xC9\x00\xD1\x00hwn\x00\b"
>> Tuplex.make_key(["foo", 1, 2]) < Tuplex.make_key(["foo", 1, 3])
=> true

So, the ordering 2<3 is preserved in the key strings (lexically ordered).

This is also true when varying any number of terms, whether string or number:

>> Tuplex.make_key(["foo", 1, 2]) < Tuplex.make_key(["foozap", 7, 3])
=> true

And it's true for arbitrary nesting:

>> Tuplex.make_key(["foo", {a: 1, b: [2]}]) < Tuplex.make_key(["foozap", {a: 7, b: [3]}])
=> true

However, for tuples of different signatures, the ordering depends only on the signature and not on term values:

>> Tuplex.make_key(["a", 0]) < Tuplex.make_key([0, "a"])
=> true
>> Tuplex.make_key(["z", 1000]) < Tuplex.make_key([0, "a"])
=> true

In other words, all tuples of signature (String, Number) are contiguous in the index, and that contiguous group is separate from tuples of signature (Number, String).


Joel VanderWerf, [email protected], @JoelVanderWerf.

License and Copyright

Copyright (c) 2014, Joel VanderWerf

License for this project is BSD. See the COPYING file for the standard BSD license. The supporting gems developed for this project are similarly licensed.