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Tset generates tests for your models in your Rails application.


TDD is great, but sometimes you just want to write some codes.

Enter 'Development Driven Test'. Tset enables you to just write codes and worry about tests later.


Run installation command.

gem install tset

OR if you want to use bundler,

gem 'tset', group: :development

Run bundle install.

Append bundle exec when you run tset commands.


In your application root directory, run the generator.

tset generate model YOUR_MODEL_NAME

Tset will read your model and generate a test accordingly.

By default, the Tset will use RSpec. Help us add MiniTest support by contributing.


You need shoulda-matchers to run some of tests Tset generates for you.

It lets you use matchers such as validate_presence_of(:name) in your spec.


There are four main objects at play: Analyzer, Translator, Writer, and Generator.

  • Analyzer reads your model file, and matches any lines that are deemed 'testable'. It returns an array of Tset::Testable objects.

  • Translator converts Tset::Testable objects into Tset::Test objects.

  • Writer writes the actual test in the spec file, for each Tset::Test objects.

  • Generator copies spec templates, groups all major components together, and responds to CLI.


Tset is a test spelled backwards.


Tset is in beta. We need your help to improve it.


  • Add more translation rules for testables (located in tset/translators/rspec.rb).
  • Support MiniTest.
  • Support controllers.