
A simple gem which adds some additional methods to File objects.


gem install tsalzer-richfile --source

What is a Richfile?

Richfile extends the Ruby built-in File instances with some somtimes useful attributes.

Note that there is no built-in magic to keep the once-fetched attributes in sync with the effective attributes of the real files.


You simple require richfile:

require 'richfile'

Now, every new File object has a list of additional attributes. Whenever you access the attributes the first time, the data is pulled from the file system and cached in the File object.

If you need to refresh the data, either call refresh!, which updates every attribute you used before, or refresh_all!, which updates each of the cached attributes. When you are just interested in a single attribute, call the attribute with an added bang (like size!).

Building a new Gem

To create a new gem, you need to install the echoe gem (see Next, edit the Rakefile to reflect your changes, then run:

rake clobber        # remove generated stuff for a clean manifest
rake manifest       # only needed if you changed the file set
rake build_gemspec  # update the gemspec

Now, you can either publish the gem, or build a gem package. See rake -T for available targets.


The richfile gem comes to you under the MIT License. You should find the license text in the file MIT-LICENSE in the gem folder.