
truncato is a Ruby library for truncating HTML strings keeping the markup valid.


In your Gemfile

gem 'truncato'


Truncato.truncate "<p>some text</p>", max_length: 4 => "<p>s...</p>"
Truncato.truncate "<p>some text</p>", max_length: 4, count_tags: false => "<p>some...</p>"

The configuration options are:

  • max_length: The size, in characters, to truncate (30 by default)
  • tail: The string to append when the truncation occurs ('...' by default)
  • count_tags: Boolean value indicating whether tags size should be considered when truncating (true by default)


Truncato was designed with performance in mind. Its main motivation was that existing libs couldn't truncate a multiple-MB document into a few-KB one in a reasonable time. It uses the Nokogiri SAX parser.

There is a benchmark included that generates a synthetic XML of 4MB and truncates it to 400 KB. You can run the benchmark using

rake truncato:benchmark

There is a also a comparison benchmark that tests the previous data with other alternatives

rake truncato:vendor_compare

The results comparing truncato with other libs:

Truncato truncate_html HTML Truncator
Time for truncating a 4MB XML document to 4KB 1.5 s 20 s 220 s

Running the tests

rake spec