Truework Ruby SDK

A first party software development kit (SDK) for the Truework API.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'truework'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install truework


  • Ruby 2.4+


The library needs to be configured with your verifier account's api key. Set Truework.api_key to its value:

require 'truework'

Truework.api_key = 'myTrueworkToken'

# get the first 10 companies that match the query "International"

Truework::Company.list(q: 'International', limit: 10, offset: 0)


Pinning the client to a specific version of the Truework API is heavily recommended. If not set, the latest version of the API will be used.

Truework.api_version = '2019-10-15'

Configuring CA Bundles

By default, the library will use its own internal bundle of known CA certificates, but it's possible to configure your own:

Truework.ca_bundle_path = 'path/to/ca/bundle'


After checking out the repo and running bin/setup, tests can be run using the following command:

$ bundle exec rake spec


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.