
Gem Version CircleCI

The main idea of this gem is to validate emails by regex pattern, presence of domain mx-records, and real existence of email account on a current email server.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'truemail'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install truemail

Email Validation Methods

Email validation is a tricky thing to do properly. There are a number of different ways to validate an email address. All checking mechanisms conform to best practices, and provide confident validation.

Syntax Checking: This checks the email addresses via regex pattern.

Mail Server Existence Check: This checks the availability of the email address domain using DNS MX records.

Mail Existence Check: This checks if the email address really exists and can receive email via SMTP connections and email-sending emulation techniques.


Configuration features

Set configuration

To have access for Truemail.configuration and gem features you must configure it first. Just do it with block like in example below.

Truemail.configure do |config|
  # Required parameter. Should be an existing email on behalf of which verification will be performed
  config.verifier_email = '[email protected]'

  # Optional parameter. Should be an existing domain on behalf of which verification will be performed.
  # By default verifier domain based on verifier email
  config.verifier_domain = ''

  # Optional parameter. You can override default regex pattern
  config.email_pattern = /regex_pattern/

  # Optional parameter. By default connection timeout is equal to 2 ms
  config.connection_timeout = 1

  # Optional parameter. By default smtp response timeout is equal to 2 ms
  config.response_timeout = 1

  # Optional parameter. You can to predefined which validation use for some domains
  # Available validation types: :regex, :mx, :smtp
  # This configuration will be used over current or default validation type parameter
  # All of validations for '' will be processed with mx validation only
  config.validation_type_for = { '' => :mx }

Read configuration

After successful configuration you can read current Truemail configuration instance anywhere in your application.


=> #<Truemail::Configuration:0x000055590cb17b40
 @verifier_email="[email protected]">

Update configuration

Truemail.configuration.connection_timeout = 3
=> 3
Truemail.configuration.response_timeout = 4
=> 4

=> #<Truemail::Configuration:0x000055590cb17b40
 @verifier_email="[email protected]">

Reset configuration

Also you can reset Truemail configuration.

=> nil
=> nil

Validation features

Regex validation

Validation with regex pattern is first validation level. You can redefine regex pattern in gem configuration.

Examples of using:

  1. With default regex pattern
Truemail.configure do |config| 
  config.verifier_email = '[email protected]'

Truemail.validate('[email protected]', with: :regex)

=> #<Truemail::Validator:0x000055590cc9bdb8
 @result=<struct Truemail::Validator::Result success=true, email="[email protected]", domain=nil, mail_servers=[], errors={}, smtp_debug=nil>,
  1. With custom regex pattern
Truemail.configure do |config| 
  config.verifier_email = '[email protected]'
  config.config.email_pattern = /regex_pattern/

Truemail.validate('[email protected]', with: :regex)

=> #<Truemail::Validator:0x000055590ca8b3e8
@result=<struct Truemail::Validator::Result success=true, email="[email protected]", domain=nil, mail_servers=[], errors={}, smtp_debug=nil>, @validation_type=:regex>

MX validation

Validation by MX records is second validation level. It use Regex validation before run. When regex validation has completed successfully then starts itself.

Example of using:

Truemail.configure do |config| 
  config.verifier_email = '[email protected]'

Truemail.validate('[email protected]', with: :mx)

=> #<Truemail::Validator:0x000055590c9c1c50
 @result=<struct Truemail::Validator::Result success=true, email="[email protected]", domain="", mail_servers=["", ""], errors={}, smtp_debug=nil>,

SMTP validation

SMTP validation is a final, third validation level. It try to check real existence of email account on a current email server. This validation runs chain of previous validations, and if they complete successfully runs itself.

[Regex validation] -> [MX validation] -> [SMTP validation]

By default you don't need pass with-parameter to use it. Example of using:

Truemail.configure do |config| 
  config.verifier_email = '[email protected]'

Truemail.validate('[email protected]')

# Successful SMTP validation
=> #<Truemail::Validator:0x000055590c4dc118
 @result=<struct Truemail::Validator::Result success=true, email="[email protected]", domain="", mail_servers=["", ""], errors={}, smtp_debug=nil>,

# SMTP validation failed
=> #<Truemail::Validator:0x000055590cc88150
  #<struct Truemail::Validator::Result
   email="[email protected]",
   mail_servers=["", ""],
   errors={:smtp=>"smtp error"},
    [#<struct Truemail::Validate::Smtp::Request
      email="[email protected]",
       #<struct Truemail::Validate::Smtp::Response
        helo=#<Net::SMTP::Response:0x000055590cc74678 @status="250", @string="250\n">,
        mailfrom=#<Net::SMTP::Response:0x000055590cc74308 @status="250", @string="250 2.1.0 <[email protected]> ok\n">,
        errors={:rcptto=>"550 5.7.1 No such user!\n"}>>]>,


  1. Gem compatibility with Ruby 2.3
  2. Fail validations logger
  3. The ability to use a proxy


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the Truemail project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.

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