Trestle Mobility Integration (trestle-mobility)

Mobility integration plugin for the Trestle admin framework


Features / problems

  • Manage Mobility translations with a space-efficient dropdown interface in Trestle
  • Developed for usage with Mobility's Postgres container back-end
  • Probably works with other back-ends but has not been tested

Trestle Mobility screenshot


Trestle Mobility requires you to enable Mobility's locale_accessors plugin.

Assuming you've setup your models with Mobility's translates directives, you can use the mobility_text_field, mobility_text_area and mobility_check_box field types:

Trestle.resource(:posts) do
  form do |post|
    mobility_text_field :title
    mobility_text_field :subtitle
    mobility_text_area :content
    mobility_check_box :published

Specifying locales

By default Trestle Mobility uses I18n.available_locales to generate the form fields, but you can specify this on a per-field basis:

mobility_text_field :title, locales: %w(nl de fr)

Quoting Mobility's README:

(Note however that Mobility will complain if you have I18n.enforce_available_locales set to true and you try accessing a locale not present in I18n.available_locales; set it to false if you want to allow any locale.)

Default language selection

Trestle Mobility allows you to specify the language that is selected by default. This is possible on an application-wide basis but also per field.

To set the default language that should be selected for all fields, add the following line to your Trestle initializer:

config.mobility.selected = "nl"

Or specify it per field:

mobility_text_field :subtitle, selected: "nl"


These instructions assume you have a working Trestle application. To integrate trestle-mobility, first add it to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'trestle-mobility'

Run bundle install, and then restart your Rails server.