
Welcome to Trekyll. Trekyll is Jekyll plugin which enables you to use Trello board as CMS backend.

*Note: Currently tested with Jekyll 3.4.0 and custom Jekyll themes


Option A (bundled with Jekyll)

Copy this code and save it as "Gemfile":

source ""

gem "jekyll", "3.4.0"

group :jekyll_plugins do
   gem "jekyll-feed", "~> 0.6"

gem 'tzinfo-data', platforms: [:mingw, :mswin, :x64_mingw, :jruby]
gem "trekyll",">=0.0.0"

Navigate to folder with the Gemfile and then run

$ bundle install

Option B (On top of existing Jekyll 3.4.0)

*With bundler - * Add this line to your application's "Gemfile":

gem 'trekyll'

And then execute:

$ bundle

*Without bundler - * Just install gem:

$ gem install trekyll

Usage in project

First thing first:

Make your new jekyll project

$ jekyll new my_project

cd in your newly created project

$ cd my_project

then open Gemfile and add this gem requirement

gem 'trekyll'

Initialize your project

 $ trekyll init

Setup your credentials for Trello:

  1. Login to your Trello account.
  2. Open newly created _init.yml and paste your public key and member token from:
$ irb
$ irb> require 'trello'
$ irb> Trello.open_public_key_url                         # copy your public key
$ irb> Trello.open_authorization_url key: 'yourpublickey' # copy your member token
$ irb> exit

Enter your Board name and prefered Lists, and you are good to go

Get data from trello

$ trekyll get

Trekyll commands overview

Help message about Trekyll

$ trekyll
$ trekyll -h
$ trekyll --help

Initialize your project

$ trekyll init

Get data from Trello board

$ trekyll get


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.