
Trejo provides view helpers and utilities for common UI needs in Rails apps.


Add it to the Gemfile

gem 'trejo'

And run


Then run the installer to generate the initializer

$ rails g trejo:install

An initializer should now be at


Configuration parameters

The initializer should look similar to the following

Trejo.configure do |config|
  config.site_title = 'My Website Title'
  config.company_name = 'My Company Name'

Set the values for the config params site_title and/or company_name as needed.


The nav_item helper renders a navigation link with active class when the requested path matches the link url.

For example, if the current path is /home, then the following

  <%= nav_item 'Home', '/home' %>
  <%= nav_item 'Blog', '/blog' %>


  <a href='/home' class='active'>Home</a>
  <a href='/blog'>Blog</a>

nav_item assumes that the link url is the root of the resource, and ignores query parameters by default. So the above example also works if the requested path is /home/index?foo=bar.

The default css class applied to the link is active. This can be overridden by passing a class option with the desired class.

<%= nav_item 'Home', '/home', class: 'current-section' %>


<a href='/home' class='current-section'>Home</a>

If you need more granularity in the criteria for determining an active link, you can supply a regular expression in the selected option. So if the current path is /home?foo=bar, then the following

<%= nav_item 'Home', '/home?foo=bar', selected: /^\/home\?foo=\w+/ %>


<a class='active'>Home</a>


The merge_classes helper takes any string or array or combination thereof to produce a string of css classes separated by a single whitespace.

merge_classes 'foo', 'bar'                                   => 'foo bar'
merge_classes 'foo bar', 'baz'                               => 'foo bar baz'
merge_classes ['foo', 'bar'], 'baz'                          => 'foo bar baz'
merge_classes ['walter', 'sobchak'], ['shomer', ['shabbas']] => 'walter sobchak shomer shabbas'

Whitespaces, duplicates and blank/nil values are omitted.


title generates the title tag for the current page.

In the application layout template, add the following

<title><%= yield(:title).presence %></title>

Then set the page title anywhere in the current page template

<%= title 'About Us' %>

which yields

<title>About Us | My Website Title</title>

The website title defaults to the top level application module name. Set the config param site_title to customize this value.

<%= copyright_notice 'My Company Name' %>


© 2015 My Company Name, All Rights Reserved

You can also call it without the company name

<%= copyright_notice %>

This defaults to the company_name config param, which itself defaults to the top level application module name.

In config/initializers/trejo.rb,

Trejo.configure do |config|
  config.company_name = 'My Company Name'

page_id, page_class

It's often useful to scope the current page's elements at the top level.

On the body tag, usually in the application layout, add the following

<body id='<%= body_id %>' class='<%= body_class %>'>

Then in the current template

<%= page_id 'body-tag-id' %>
<%= page_class 'body-tag-class' %>

If page_class is not called, then no class is applied.

If page_id is not called, then body_id outputs a dom id in the following format
