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# treebis

## summary minimal single-file rake-like task DSL for wrapping common filesystem tasks like copying files.

## description Treebis is a minimal, general scripting/task utility written in ruby that wraps common actions for moving, copying and altering filetrees. It is geared towards things like generators. It is comparable to a shell script that does a lot of mkdir, mv, cp commmands etc.

## what it is:

- task wrapper for external commands that make filetrees, e.g.
  - maybe the generators in things like rails, ramaze, nandoc
- proxy around FileUtils that allows customizing its output
- copies filetrees to filetrees
- removes filetrees from filetrees
- applies diffs to filetrees
- different ways to represent trees and diffs - heredocs, diffs, filesystem.
- under 1000 SLOC
- rcov test coverage usually hovers between 95-100%

## what it is not:

- a vcs or vcs wrapper (version control system)
- atomic

## frequently asked questions

### Q: why use it? <span class=‘answer’>A</span>: Because you want a consistent way to wrap these common tasks that doesn’t explicitly rely on shelling out to the underlying system, or other hodgepodges. (also see ‘why did you make this?’ below)

### Q: why not use it? <span class=‘answer’>A</span>: Because it doesn’t do what you want or it does what you do not want.

### Q: why is it named “Treebis?” <span class=‘answer’>A</span>: because it rhymes with “Jeebus.”

### Q: why did you make this? <span class=‘answer’>A</span>: by the third or fourth time i found myself re-writing this same kind of thing for different projects, or bleeding from its absence, i decided to abstract it. It’s more readable than a bunch of FileUtils statements, it paves the way for possible future enhancements like atomicitiy and units of work; and wouldn’t it be nice if every generator of every project used the same library?

## requirements

- ruby 1.8.7
- Treebis supports the application of unified diffs to single files
    and whole directories.  If this functionality is desired,
    Treebis was developed with GNU `patch` 2.5.8.  Most versions of patch
    will likely work.

## installation

### install the gem:

from the command line: ~~~ ~ > gem install treebis ~~~

### or grab the file:

<a class=‘no-style’ href=‘#’ title=‘At The Time of This Writing’>ATTOTW</a> treebis is a single file without dependencies except ‘json’. You can <a href=‘http://github.com/hipe/treebis/blob/master/lib/treebis.rb’>just download it</a> and throw it in your code directory <sup id=“fnref:trollop”><a href=“#fn:trollop” rel=“footnote”>1</a></sup>

## usage May I refer you to these [usage examples](usage-examples)?

## future promises made today:

- dry run ?
- two-pass units of work !!??

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### Footnotes

<div class=“footnotes”>

  <li id="fn:trollop">
    <p>Appologies to <a href='http://trollop.rubyforge.org/'>trollop</a>
      from which is stole this langauge and idea of keeping things in a
      single file when practical.
      <a href="#fnref:trollop" rev="footnote">&#8617;</a>
