Travis Config

Shared way of loading and reading configuration in Travis CI.

Users can either set defaults and include logic directly to the class Travis::Config or extend the class to, e.g. Travis::Logs::Config.


require 'travis/config'

module Travis
  class Config < Hashr
    define  host:  ''

    def foo


require 'travis/config'

module Travis::Logs
  class Config < Travis::Config
    define  host:  ''

    def foo

Config sources

Serveral config sources are supported:

  • Files: All files config/travis.yml and config/travis/*.yml are read and merged (alpabetically sorted).
  • Env: ENV['travis_config'] is parsed as YAML and merged, if present.
  • Heroku: The env vars DATABASE_URL or SHARED_DATABASE_URL, and DB_POOL or DATABASE_POOL_SIZE are merged into the database config.
  • Docker: The env vars POSTGRESQL_PORT, RABBITMQ_PORT, and REDIS_PORT are interpreted as resource URLs, and merged into the database config.

Configuration from all sources is merged before it is passed to the Hashr instance. All merging is deep merging of Hashes on any level.

Doing a Rubygem release

Any tool works. The current releases were done with gem-release which allows creating a Git tag, pushing it to GitHub, building the gem and pushing it to Rubygems in one go:

$ gem install gem-release
$ gem release --tag