
trapdoor monkeypatches ENV so any secret values are available when asked for by name (i.e. ENV['SOME_SECRET']) but are hidden when requested in bulk (i.e. ENV.to_h, ENV.inspect, iterators). This was designed to be a drop in replacement for codebases that use ENV to hold secrets but also use developer tools that may cause these values to be accidentally logged.


  1. Add to your Gemfile and install with bundle, or gem install trapdoor
  2. require 'trapdoor'


Let's start by inspecting the environment in the repl. We can see SECRET_API_TOKEN and its value.

 => {... "SECRET_API_TOKEN"=>"987tfghjo0987yt"}

After loading trapdoor, let's tell it to hide this specific value then inspect the environment again.

 => {... "SECRET_API_TOKEN"=>"**REDACTED**"}

But we can see this value can still be accessed just like before:

 => "987tfghjo0987yt"

Additionally, we can call ENV.start_smuggling to start redacting all new environment variables. This can be useful if you insert sensitive variables into the environment afterwards so that any non-pre loaded values are redacted.