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Transpec is a tool for converting your specs to the latest RSpec syntax with static and dynamic code analysis.

This aims to facilitate a smooth transition to RSpec 3, and it’s now ready for RSpec 2.99 and 3.0 beta!

See the following pages for the new RSpec syntax and the plan for RSpec 3:

Transpec now supports conversions for almost all of the RSpec 3 changes, but the changes are not fixed and may vary in the future. So it’s recommended to follow updates of both RSpec and Transpec.


Here’s an example spec:

“by describe Account do subject(:account) { } let(:logger) { mock(‘logger’) }

describe ‘#balance’ do context ‘initially’ do it ‘is zero’ do account.balance.should == 0 end end end

describe ‘#close’ do it ‘logs an account closed message’ do logger.should_receive(:account_closed).with(account) account.close end end

describe ‘#renew’ do context ‘when the account is not closed’ do before do account.stub(:closed?).and_return(false) end

  it 'does not raise error' do
    lambda { account.renew }.should_not raise_error(Account::RenewalError)

end end

Transpec would convert it to the following form:

“by describe Account do subject(:account) { } let(:logger) { double(‘logger’) }

describe ‘#balance’ do context ‘initially’ do it ‘is zero’ do expect(account.balance).to eq(0) end end end

describe ‘#close’ do it ‘logs an account closed message’ do expect(logger).to receive(:account_closed).with(account) account.close end end

describe ‘#renew’ do context ‘when the account is not closed’ do before do allow(account).to receive(:closed?).and_return(false) end

  it 'does not raise error' do
    expect { account.renew }.not_to raise_error

end end

Actual examples

You can see actual conversion examples below:



Simply install transpec with gem command:

“sh $ gem install transpec

Normally you don’t need to add transpec to your Gemfile or *.gemspec since this isn’t a tool to be used daily.

Basic Usage

Before converting your specs:

  • Make sure your project has rspec gem dependency 2.14 or later. If not, change your Gemfile or *.gemspec to do so.
  • Run rspec and check if all the specs pass.
  • Ensure the Git repository is clean. (You don’t want to mix up your changes and Transpec’s changes, do you?)

Then, run transpec in the project root directory:

“sh $ cd some-project $ transpec Copying the project for dynamic analysis… Running dynamic analysis with command “bundle exec rspec”… ……………………………………………………………………. ……………….

Finished in 13.07 seconds 100 examples, 0 failures

Converting spec/spec_helper.rb Converting spec/support/cache_helper.rb Converting spec/support/file_helper.rb Converting spec/support/shared_context.rb Converting spec/transpec/ast/node_spec.rb

This will run the specs, convert them, and overwrite all spec files in the spec directory.

After the conversion, run rspec again and check whether everything is green:

“sh $ bundle exec rspec

If it’s green, commit the changes with an auto-generated message that describes the conversion summary and helps your team members to understand the new syntax:

“sh $ git commit -aeF .git/COMMIT_EDITMSG

And you are done!

Advanced Usage

You can pass transpec arbitrary paths to be converted:


You always need to be in the project root directory

$ cd some-project

Convert only files in features directory

$ transpec features

Convert only files in spec/foo and spec/bar directory

$ transpec spec/foo spec/bar

Convert only spec/baz_spec.rb

$ transpec spec/baz_spec.rb

Note that the current working directory always needs to be the project root directory, so that Transpec can copy the project in dynamic analysis.

Upgrade Process to RSpec 3 beta

If you are going to use Transpec in the upgrade process to RSpec 3 beta, read the article by Myron Marston:



Force processing even if the current Git repository is not clean.

“sh $ git status –short M spec/spec_helper.rb $ transpec The current Git repository is not clean. Aborting. $ transpec –force Copying project for dynamic analysis… Running dynamic analysis with command “bundle exec rspec”…


Skip dynamic analysis and convert with only static analysis. Note that specifying this option decreases the conversion accuracy especially in the conversion of have(n).items matcher.


Specify a command to run your specs which is used for dynamic analysis.

Transpec needs to run your specs in a copied project directory for dynamic analysis. If your project requires some special setup or commands to run specs, use this option. bundle exec rspec is used by default.

Note that the command to run dynamic analysis does not affect to the files or specs to be converted. This means that even if you specify a command that only runs a subset of the files in your spec suite or a subset of the specs in a file, every spec will be converted. For this reason, it’s recommended to provide a command that runs full spec suite to -c/--rspec-command. If you want to convert only a subset of the files in a spec suite, pass the paths to transpec. See Advanced Usage for more details.

“sh $ transpec –rspec-command “./ && bundle exec rspec”


Keep specific syntaxes by disabling conversions.

“sh $ transpec –keep should_receive,stub

Available syntax types

Note that some syntaxes are available only if your project’s RSpec is specific version or later. If they are unavailable, conversions for such syntaxes will be disabled automatically.

TypeTarget SyntaxConverted Syntax
shouldobj.should matcherexpect(obj).to matcher
onelinerit { should ... }it { ... }
should_receiveobj.should_receive(:message)expect(obj).to receive(:message)
stubobj.stub(:message)allow(obj).to receive(:message)
have_itemsexpect(obj).to have(n).itemsexpect(obj.size).to eq(n)
itsits(:attr) { }describe '#attr' { subject { }; it { } }
pendingpending 'is an example' { }skip 'is an example' { }
deprecatedAll other deprecated syntaxesLatest syntaxes

See Supported Conversions for more details.


Specify a negative form of to which is used in the expect syntax. Either not_to or to_not. not_to is used by default.

“sh $ transpec –negative-form to_not


Specify a boolean matcher type which be_true and be_false will be converted to. Any of truthy,falsey, truthy,falsy or true,false can be specified. truthy,falsey is used by default.

“sh $ transpec –boolean-matcher true,false

See Supported Conversions - Boolean matchers for more details.


Suppress yielding receiver instances to any_instance implementation blocks as the first block argument.

By default in RSpec 3, any_instance implementation blocks will be yielded the receiving instance as the first block argument, and by default Transpec converts specs by adding instance arguments to the blocks so that they conform to the behavior of RSpec 3. Specifying this option suppresses the conversion and keeps them compatible with RSpec 2. Note that this is not same as --keep deprecated since this configures yield_receiver_to_any_instance_implementation_blocks with RSpec.configure.

See Supported Conversions - any_instance implementation blocks for more details.


Enable conversion of obj.stub(:message => value) to allow(obj).to receive(:message).and_return(value) when receive_messages(:message => value) is unavailable (prior to RSpec 3.0). It will be converted to multiple statements if the hash includes multiple pairs. This conversion is disabled by default.

See Supported Conversions - Method stubs with a hash argument for more details.


Suppress parenthesizing arguments of matchers when converting should with operator matcher to expect with non-operator matcher (the expect syntax does not directly support the operator matchers). Note that it will be parenthesized even if this option is specified when parentheses are necessary to keep the meaning of the expression.

“by describe ‘original spec’ do it ‘is an example’ do 1.should == 1 2.should > 1 ‘string’.should =~ /^str/ [1, 2, 3].should =~ [2, 1, 3] { key: value }.should == { key: value } end end

describe ‘converted spec’ do it ‘is an example’ do expect(1).to eq(1) expect(2).to be > 1 expect(‘string’).to match(/^str/) expect([1, 2, 3]).to match_array([2, 1, 3]) expect({ key: value }).to eq({ key: value }) end end

describe ‘converted spec with -p/–no-parentheses-matcher-arg option’ do it ‘is an example’ do expect(1).to eq 1 expect(2).to be > 1 expect(‘string’).to match /^str/ expect([1, 2, 3]).to match_array [2, 1, 3] # With non-operator method, the parentheses are always required # to prevent the hash from being interpreted as a block. expect({ key: value }).to eq({ key: value }) end end

Inconvertible Specs

You might see the following warning while conversion:

“annot convert #should into #expect since #expect is not available in the context. spec/awesome_spec.rb:4: 1.should == 1

This message would be shown with specs like:

“by describe ‘#should that cannot be converted to #expect’ do class MyAwesomeTestRunner def run 1.should == 1 end end

it ‘is 1’ do test_runner = end end


  • should is defined on BasicObject class, so you can use should everywhere.
  • expect is defined on RSpec::Matchers module which is included by RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup class, so you can use expect only where self is an instance of RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup (i.e. in it blocks, :each hook blocks or included module methods) or other classes that explicitly include RSpec::Matchers.

With the above example, in the context of 1.should == 1, the self is an instance of MyAwesomeTestRunner. Transpec tracks contexts and skips conversion if the target syntax cannot be converted in a case like this.


Include or extend RSpec::Matchers module to make expect available in the context:

“by class MyAwesomeTestRunner include RSpec::Matchers

def run
  1.should == 1


Then run transpec again.

Two Types of should

There are two types of should:

“by describe ‘the monkey-patched should’ do subject { [] }

it ‘is empty’ do subject.should be_empty # ^^^^^^ BasicObject#should in RSpec 2.11 or later, # or Kernel#should prior to RSpec 2.11. end end

describe ‘the one-liner should’ do subject { [] }

it { should be_empty } # ^^^^^^ RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup#should end

The monkey-patched obj.should:

  • Is defined on BasicObject (or Kernel) and provided by rspec-expectations gem.
  • Is deprecated in RSpec 3.
  • Has the issue with delegate/proxy objects.
  • There’s the alternative syntax expect(obj).to since RSpec 2.11.

The one-liner (implicit receiver) should:

  • Is defined on RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup and provided by rspec-core gem.
  • Is not deprecated in RSpec 3.
  • Does not have the issue with delegate/proxy objects.
  • There’s the alternative syntax since RSpec 2.99.beta2.

Supported Conversions

Standard expectations


“by obj.should matcher obj.should_not matcher

Will be converted to:

“by expect(obj).to matcher expect(obj).not_to matcher expect(obj).to_not matcher # with --negative-form to_not

One-liner expectations

This conversion is available only if your project’s RSpec is 2.99.0.beta2 or later.


“by it { should matcher } it { should_not matcher }

Will be converted to:

“by it { matcher } it { is_expected.not_to matcher } it { is_expected.to_not matcher } # with --negative-form to_not is designed for the consistency with the expect syntax. However the one-liner should is still not deprecated in RSpec 3.0 and available even if the should syntax is disabled with RSpec.configure. So if you think is verbose, feel free to disable this conversion and continue using the one-liner should. See Two Types of should also.

Operator matchers


“by 1.should == 1 1.should < 2 Integer.should === 1 ‘string’.should =~ /^str/ [1, 2, 3].should =~ [2, 1, 3]

Will be converted to:

“by expect(1).to eq(1) expect(1).to be < 2 expect(Integer).to be === 1 expect(‘string’).to match(/^str/) expect([1, 2, 3]).to match_array([2, 1, 3])

This conversion is combined with the conversion of standard expectations and cannot be disabled separately because the expect syntax does not directly support the operator matchers.

Boolean matchers

This conversion is available only if your project’s RSpec is 2.99.0.beta1 or later.


“by expect(obj).to be_true expect(obj).to be_false

Will be converted to:

“by expect(obj).to be_truthy expect(obj).to be_falsey

With --boolean-matcher truthy,falsy

be_falsy is just an alias of be_falsey.

expect(obj).to be_truthy expect(obj).to be_falsy

With --boolean-matcher true,false

expect(obj).to be true expect(obj).to be false

  • be_true matcher passes if expectation subject is truthy in conditional semantics. (i.e. all objects except false and nil)
  • be_false matcher passes if expectation subject is falsey in conditional semantics. (i.e. false or nil)
  • be_truthy and be_falsey matchers are renamed version of be_true and be_false and their behaviors are same.
  • be true and be false are not new things. These are combinations of be matcher and boolean literals. These pass if expectation subject is exactly equal to boolean value.

So, converting be_true/be_false to be_truthy/be_falsey never breaks your specs and this is Transpec’s default. If you are willing to test boolean values strictly, you can convert them to be true/be false with --boolean-matcher true,false option. Note that this may break your specs if your application code don’t return exact boolean values.

be_close matcher


“by expect(1.0 / 3.0).to be_close(0.333, 0.001)

Will be converted to:

“by expect(1.0 / 3.0).to be_within(0.001).of(0.333)

have(n).items matcher

This conversion will be disabled automatically if rspec-collection_matchers or rspec-rails is loaded in your spec.


“by expect(collection).to have(3).items expect(collection).to have_exactly(3).items expect(collection).to have_at_least(3).items expect(collection).to have_at_most(3).items collection.should have(3).items

Assume team responds to #players.

expect(team).to have(3).players

Assume #players is a private method.

expect(team).to have(3).players

Will be converted to:

“by expect(collection.size).to eq(3) expect(collection.size).to be >= 3 expect(collection.size).to be <= 3 collection.size.should == 3 # with --keep should

expect(team.players.size).to eq(3)

have(n).items matcher invokes #players even if it’s a private method.

expect(team.send(:players).size).to eq(3)

There’s an option to continue using have(n).items matcher with rspec-collection_matchers which is a gem extracted from rspec-expectations. If you choose to do so, disable this conversion by either:

  • Specify --keep have_items option manually.
  • Require rspec-collection_matchers or rspec-rails in your spec so that Transpec automatically disables this conversion.

Note: rspec-rails 3.0 still uses have(n).items matcher with rspec-collection_matchers.

One-liner expectations with have(n).items matcher

This conversion will be disabled automatically if rspec-collection_matchers or rspec-rails is loaded in your spec.


“by it { should have(3).items } it { should have_at_least(3).players }

Will be converted to:

“by it ‘has 3 items’ do expect(subject.size).to eq(3) end

With --keep should

it ‘has 3 items’ do subject.size.should == 3 end

it ‘has at least 3 players’ do expect(subject.players.size).to be >= 3 end

  • This conversion can be disabled by: --keep have_items

Expectations on block


“by lambda { do_something }.should raise_error proc { do_something }.should raise_error -> { do_something }.should raise_error

Will be converted to:

“by expect { do_something }.to raise_error

Expectations on attribute of subject with its

This conversion will be disabled automatically if rspec-its is loaded in your spec.


“by describe ‘example’ do subject { { foo: 1, bar: 2 } } its(:size) { should == 2 } its([:foo]) { should == 1 } its(‘keys.first’) { should == :foo } end

Will be converted to:

“by describe ‘example’ do subject { { foo: 1, bar: 2 } }

describe ‘#size’ do subject { super().size } it { should == 2 } end

describe ‘[:foo]’ do subject { super()[:foo] } it { should == 1 } end

describe ‘#keys’ do subject { super().keys } describe ‘#first’ do subject { super().first } it { should == :foo } end end end

There’s an option to continue using its with rspec-its which is a gem extracted from rspec-core. If you choose to do so, disable this conversion by either:

  • Specify --keep its option manually.
  • Require rspec-its in your spec so that Transpec automatically disables this conversion.

Negative error expectations with specific error


“by expect { do_something }.not_to raise_error(SomeErrorClass) expect { do_something }.not_to raise_error(‘message’) expect { do_something }.not_to raise_error(SomeErrorClass, ‘message’) lambda { do_something }.should_not raise_error(SomeErrorClass)

Will be converted to:

“by expect { do_something }.not_to raise_error lambda { do_something }.should_not raise_error # with --keep should

Message expectations


“by obj.should_receive(:message) Klass.any_instance.should_receive(:message)

Will be converted to:

“by expect(obj).to receive(:message) expect_any_instance_of(Klass).to receive(:message)

Message expectations that are actually method stubs


“by obj.should_receive(:message).any_number_of_times obj.should_receive(:message).at_least(0)

Klass.any_instance.should_receive(:message).any_number_of_times Klass.any_instance.should_receive(:message).at_least(0)

Will be converted to:

“by allow(obj).to receive(:message) obj.stub(:message) # with --keep stub

allow_any_instance_of(Klass).to receive(:message) Klass.any_instance.stub(:message) # with --keep stub

Method stubs


“by obj.stub(:message) obj.stub!(:message)

obj.stub_chain(:foo, :bar, :baz)


Will be converted to:

“by allow(obj).to receive(:message)

Conversion from stub_chain to receive_message_chain is available

only if the target project’s RSpec is 3.0.0.beta2 or later

allow(obj).to receive_message_chain(:foo, :bar, :baz)

allow_any_instance_of(Klass).to receive(:message)

There’s no replacement for unstub in the expect syntax. See this discussion for more details.

Method stubs with a hash argument


“by obj.stub(:foo => 1, :bar => 2)

Will be converted to:


If the target project’s RSpec is 3.0.0.beta1 or later

allow(obj).to receive_messages(:foo => 1, :bar => 2)

If the target project’s RSpec is prior to 3.0.0.beta1

obj.stub(:foo => 1, :bar => 2) # No conversion

If the target project’s RSpec is prior to 3.0.0.beta1

and --convert-stub-with-hash is specified

allow(obj).to receive(:foo).and_return(1) allow(obj).to receive(:bar).and_return(2)

allow(obj).to receive_messages(:foo => 1, :bar => 2) which is designed to be the replacement for obj.stub(:foo => 1, :bar => 2) is available from RSpec 3.0.

So, if you’re going to use Transpec in the upgrade path to RSpec 3, you may need to follow these steps:

  1. Upgrade to RSpec 2.99
  2. Run transpec (at this time obj.stub(:message => value) won’t be converted)
  3. Upgrade to RSpec 3.0
  4. Run transpec again to convert obj.stub(:message => value)

Or if you’re going to stay RSpec 2.14 for now but want to convert all stub to allow statements, run transpec with --convert-stub-with-hash option. Note that once the conversion is done, multiple statements cannot be merged into a receive_messages.

Deprecated method stub aliases


“by obj.stub!(:message) obj.unstub!(:message)

Will be converted to:

“by obj.stub(:message) # with --keep stub obj.unstub(:message)

Method stubs with deprecated specification of number of times


“by obj.stub(:message).any_number_of_times obj.stub(:message).at_least(0)

Will be converted to:

“by allow(obj).to receive(:message) obj.stub(:message) # with --keep stub

Useless and_return


“by expect(obj).to receive(:message).and_return { 1 } allow(obj).to receive(:message).and_return { 1 }

expect(obj).to receive(:message).and_return allow(obj).to receive(:message).and_return

Will be converted to:

“by expect(obj).to receive(:message) { 1 } allow(obj).to receive(:message) { 1 }

expect(obj).to receive(:message) allow(obj).to receive(:message)

any_instance implementation blocks

This conversion is available only if your project’s RSpec is >= 2.99.0.beta1 and < 3.0.0.beta1.


“by RSpec.configure do |rspec| end

describe ‘example’ do it ‘is any_instance implementation block’ do Klass.any_instance.should_receive(:message) { |arg| puts arg } Klass.any_instance.stub(:message) { |arg| puts arg } expect_any_instance_of(Klass).to receive(:message) { |arg| puts arg } allow_any_instance_of(Klass).to receive(:message) { |arg| puts arg } end end

Will be converted to:

“by RSpec.configure do |rspec| rspec.mock_with :rspec do |mocks| mocks.yield_receiver_to_any_instance_implementation_blocks = true end end

describe ‘example’ do it ‘is any_instance implementation block’ do expect_any_instance_of(Klass).to receive(:message) { |instance, arg| puts arg } allow_any_instance_of(Klass).to receive(:message) { |instance, arg| puts arg } expect_any_instance_of(Klass).to receive(:message) { |instance, arg| puts arg } allow_any_instance_of(Klass).to receive(:message) { |instance, arg| puts arg } end end

With --no-yield-any-instance

RSpec.configure do |rspec| rspec.mock_with :rspec do |mocks| mocks.yield_receiver_to_any_instance_implementation_blocks = false end end

describe ‘example’ do it ‘is any_instance implementation block’ do expect_any_instance_of(Klass).to receive(:message) { |arg| puts arg } allow_any_instance_of(Klass).to receive(:message) { |arg| puts arg } expect_any_instance_of(Klass).to receive(:message) { |arg| puts arg } allow_any_instance_of(Klass).to receive(:message) { |arg| puts arg } end end

Here’s an excerpt from the warning for any_instance implementation blocks in RSpec 2.99:

In RSpec 3, any_instance implementation blocks will be yielded the receiving instance as the first block argument to allow the implementation block to use the state of the receiver. To maintain compatibility with RSpec 3 you need to either set rspec-mocks’ yield_receiver_to_any_instance_implementation_blocks config option to false OR set it to true and update your any_instance implementation blocks to account for the first block argument being the receiving instance.

To set the config option, use a snippet like:

“by RSpec.configure do |rspec| rspec.mock_with :rspec do |mocks| mocks.yield_receiver_to_any_instance_implementation_blocks = false end end

Deprecated test double aliases


“by stub(‘something’) mock(‘something’)

Will be converted to:

“by double(‘something’)

Pending examples

This conversion is available only if your project’s RSpec is >= 2.99.0.beta1 and < 3.0.0.beta1.


“by describe ‘example’ do it ‘is skipped’, :pending => true do do_something_possibly_fail # This won’t be run end

pending ‘is skipped’ do do_something_possibly_fail # This won’t be run end

it ‘is skipped’ do pending do_something_possibly_fail # This won’t be run end

it ‘is run and expected to fail’ do pending do do_something_surely_fail # This will be run and expected to fail end end end

Will be converted to:

“by describe ‘example’ do it ‘is skipped’, :skip => true do do_something_possibly_fail # This won’t be run end

skip ‘is skipped’ do do_something_possibly_fail # This won’t be run end

it ‘is skipped’ do skip do_something_possibly_fail # This won’t be run end

it ‘is run and expected to fail’ do pending # #pending with block is no longer supported do_something_surely_fail # This will be run and expected to fail end end

Here’s an excerpt from the warning for pending examples in RSpec 2.99:

The semantics of RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup#pending are changing in RSpec 3. In RSpec 2.x, it caused the example to be skipped. In RSpec 3, the example will still be run but is expected to fail, and will be marked as a failure (rather than as pending) if the example passes, just like how pending with a block from within an example already works.

To keep the same skip semantics, change pending to skip. Otherwise, if you want the new RSpec 3 behavior, you can safely ignore this warning and continue to upgrade to RSpec 3 without addressing it.

Current example object

This conversion is available only if your project’s RSpec is 2.99.0.beta1 or later.


“by module ScreenshotHelper def save_failure_screenshot return unless example.exception # … end end

describe ‘example page’ do include ScreenshotHelper after { save_failure_screenshot } let(:user) { User.find(example.metadata[:user_id]) } # … end

Will be converted to:

“by module ScreenshotHelper def save_failure_screenshot return unless RSpec.current_example.exception # … end end

describe ‘example page’ do include ScreenshotHelper after { save_failure_screenshot } let(:user) { |example| User.find(example.metadata[:user_id]) } # … end

Here’s an excerpt from the warning for RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup#example and #running_example in RSpec 2.99:

RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup#example is deprecated and will be removed in RSpec 3. There are a few options for what you can use instead:

  • rspec-core‘s DSL methods (it, before, after, let, subject, etc) now yield the example as a block argument, and that is the recommended way to access the current example from those contexts.
  • The current example is now exposed via RSpec.current_example, which is accessible from any context.
  • If you can’t update the code at this call site (e.g. because it is in an extension gem), you can use this snippet to continue making this method available in RSpec 2.99 and RSpec 3:

“by RSpec.configure do |c| c.expose_current_running_example_as :example end

Custom matcher DSL

This conversion is available only if your project’s RSpec is 3.0.0.beta2 or later.


“by RSpec::Matchers.define :be_awesome do match_for_should { } match_for_should_not { } failure_message_for_should { } failure_message_for_should_not { } end

Will be converted to:

“by RSpec::Matchers.define :be_awesome do match { } match_when_negated { } failure_message { } failure_message_when_negated { } end


Tested on MRI 1.9, 2.0, 2.1 and JRuby in 1.9 mode.


Copyright (c) 2013–2014 Yuji Nakayama

See the LICENSE.txt for details.