
It is an utility through which you can synchronize your locales with Localapp.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'translator_with_localeapp', '~> 1.0.1'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install translator_with_localeapp


With Redis:

require 'redis'
require 'translator'

Translator.setup do |config|
  # ==> Storage Configurations
  # = :Redis
  # config.storage_options = { host: 'localhost', port: 6379, db: 1 }

  # ==> Output Configuration
  # By default there is no logging, you can set it to any output
  # stream which respond to `puts`.
  # config.output_stream = nil

  # ==> Localeapp Configuration
  config.localeapp_api_key = ENV['LOCALEAPP_API_KEY']
  # It is the directory where localeapp will sync all the locales files.
  config.data_directory = Rails.root.join('config', 'locales')

file_paths = <paths of yml files>


Uses moneta gem to wrap various Key/Value stores Docs for moneta can be found here


  • name (Symbol) — Name of adapter (See Moneta::Adapters)
  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})

Options Hash (options):

  • :expires (Boolean/Integer) — Ensure that store supports expiration by inserting Expires if the underlying adapter doesn't support it natively and set default expiration time
  • :threadsafe (Boolean) — default: false — Ensure that the store is thread safe by inserting Moneta::Lock
  • :logger (Boolean/Hash) — default: false — Add logger to proxy stack (Hash is passed to logger as options)
  • :compress (Boolean/Symbol) — default: false — If true, compress value with zlib, or specify custom compress, e.g. :quicklz
  • :serializer (Symbol) — default: :marshal — Serializer used for key and value, disable with nil
  • :key_serializer (Symbol) — default: options[:serializer] — Serializer used for key, disable with nil
  • :value_serializer (Symbol) — default: options[:serializer] — Serializer used for value, disable with nil
  • :prefix (String) — Key prefix used for namespacing (default none)


See redis-db for options

Install Redis

brew install redis(Mac)


sudo apt-get install redis(Ubuntu)

Start Redis



Ensure Redis server is installed and started.

$ bundle install
$ bundle exec rspec spec


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