train-awsssm - Train Plugin for using AWS Systems Manager Agent

This plugin allows applications that rely on Train to communicate via AWS SSM with Linux/Windows instances.


The instance in question must run on AWS and you need to have all AWS credentials set up for the shell which executes the command. Please check the AWS documentation for appropriate configuration files and environment variables.

You need the SSM agent to be installed on the machine (most current AMIs already have this integrated) and the machine needs to have the managed policy AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore or a least privilege equivalent attached as IAM profile.

Commands will be executed under the root/Administrator users.


If you use this Gem as a plain transport you can use gem install train-awsssm but if you need it for InSpec you will need to do it via inspec plugin install train-awsssm, as InSpec does not use the global/user Gem directory by default.

You can build and install this gem on your local system as well via a Rake task: rake install:local.

Transport parameters

Option Explanation Default
host IP, DNS name or EC2 ID of instance (required)
mode Mode for connection, only 'run-command' currently run-command
execution_timeout Maximum time until timeout 60
recheck_invocation Interval of rechecking AWS command invocation 1.0
recheck_execution Interval of rechecking completion of command 1.0
instance_pagesize Paging size for EC2 instance retrieval 100


Currently, this transport is limited to executing commands via the AWS-RunShellScript command which means there is no file upload/download capability.

Support for proper use of the AWS Session Manager, which allows complete tunneling, is planned.

Example use

require "train-awsssm"
train  = Train.create("awsssm", {
            host:     "",
            logger:$stdout, level: :info)
conn   = train.connection
result = conn.run_command("apt upgrade -y")