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The TrailerVote Api gem is the official interface to communicate with the TrailerVote product service. It allows you to keep your code simple and not deal with the HTTP suite.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'trailer_vote-api'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install trailer_vote-api


By default only the configuration api calls are available and you need to require which ever calls you want to make. A call always loads it dependencies. If you want to load everything you can require 'trailer_vote/api/autoload'.

In order to call any of the APIs, you need to configure the api first:

key = '<TrailerVote API Client key>'
secret = '<TrailerVote API Client secret>'
url = '<TrailerVote API environment url>'

configuration = TrailerVote::Api.configure(url: url, key: key, secret: secret)
# => TrailerVote::Api::Configuration

The TrailerVote API Client for Ruby uses a lazy chainable API and does NOT make any requests until it's absolutely necessary. It is recommended that you re-use the configuration instance, as well as other results, in order to reduce network requests.

The common interface is:

  • #call(*args): Make the call and return an object that has results
  • #data: Return the inner data (#to_h) without the wrapping key
  • #to_i: Return the HTTP status code
  • #to_h: Return the response (#call), parsed (if parsable, like JSON) and validated (according to the media type)
  • #etag: Return the HTTP ETag header value, if any
  • #links: Return the HTTP Link header / inner _links as Links object

Unless data is being posted, #call is not necessary:

configuration = TrailerVote::Api.configure(url: url, key: key, secret: secret)
# => TrailerVote::Api::Links # Makes the HTTP call if necessary

In case of an error, a TrailerVote::Api::Error is raised, with subclasses defining what went wrong. If the API gives back an error (HTTP status (400..599)), the error is parsed and turned into a ErrorsResponse < Error error.


Only the call available to the current link in the chain, if required are available on each object.


You don't need to require this, it's always loaded.

require 'trailer_vote/api/configuration'

configuration = TrailerVote::Api.configure(key: '', secret: '', url: '')
# => TrailerVote::Api::Configuration


Used to lookup products by authority:identifier pairs. If found, returns the actual Product::Find.

The data argument is wrapped in { product_identifiers: data } and then needs to match application/vnd.trailervote.product.lookup.v1+json

require 'trailer_vote/api/product/lookup'

lookup = configuration.product.lookup
# => TrailerVote::Api::Product::Lookup [{ authority: 'imdb', identifier: 'tt01010101' }, { authority: 'tmdb', identifier: '12345678' }])
# => TrailerVote::Api::Product::Find


Used to update a product. Is only available on Product::Find, because we require updates to be non-stale, that is you need to ensure that you are the last one updating the product, so merging data can be done correctly.

The data argument is wrapped in { product: data } and then needs to match application/vnd.trailervote.product.v2+json

require 'trailer_vote/api/product/lookup'
require 'trailer_vote/api/product/update'

lookup = configuration.product.lookup
product = [{ authority: 'imdb', identifier: 'tt01010101' }])
# => TrailerVote::Api::Product::Find

current_product_data =
next_product_data = make_changes_to_product_data(current_product_data) next_product_data)
# => TrailerVote::Api::Product::Find

If the update call fails with a 409 Conflict or 412 Precondition Failed, it means the product was updated in the meanwhile. You want to fetch the product again by doing another lookup and then running your strategy again.


Creating a product is similar to looking up a product. If successful, returns an actual Product::Find.

The data argument is wrapped in { product: data } and then needs to match application/vnd.trailervote.product.v2.create+json

require 'trailer_vote/api/product/create'

configuration.product.create(data: { title: 'My product', ... })
# => TrailerVote::Api::Product::Find


To attach an video to a product, you first need to find the product. This can be done by:

  • configuration.product.create: creating a new product
  • configuration.product.lookup: looking up an existing product

Once you have it, the video operations are available on the result.

The data argument is wrapped in { product_video: data } and then needs to match application/

require 'trailer_vote/api/product/lookup'
require 'trailer_vote/api/product/video/create'

product = [{ authority: 'imdb', identifier: 'tt01010101' }])
# => TrailerVote::Api::Product::Find { source_url: '', ... })
# => TrailerVote::Api::Product::Video::Find

You can see in this example the product result is cached in a variable, so that if you want to create many videos, the product isn't looked up each call.


Gets all the image urls for a product


To attach an video to a product, you first need to find the product. This can be done by:

  • configuration.product.create: creating a new product
  • configuration.product.lookup: looking up an existing product

Once you have it, the video operations are available on the result.

The data argument is wrapped in { product_video: data } and then needs to match application/

require 'trailer_vote/api/product/lookup'
require 'trailer_vote/api/product/video/create'

product = [{ authority: 'imdb', identifier: 'tt01010101' }])
# => TrailerVote::Api::Product::Find { source_url: '', ... })
# => TrailerVote::Api::Product::Video::Find

You can see in this example the product result is cached in a variable, so that if you want to create many videos, the product isn't looked up each call.


Gets all the image urls for a product

Links a place to a product


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle update trailer_vote-api in any repository that depends on this gem. If you have push rights, you may call bundle exec rake release to create a new git tag, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to the rubygems gem server.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at TrailerVote/trailervote-api-clients