Trafikanten Travel Planner


This is a simple way to request information about travel routes within the public transport system of greater Oslo, Norway. There is no API for looking up route information, so this library gives you an unofficial one. Note that since it is unofficial it might stop working at any time. It should however be easy to adjust this code to make it work again.

There are typically two things you need to do to retrieve information about a route:

  • Find the stations you want to travel from and to

  • Use these to query for a route between them

Finding stations

You query by the name of the station and you receive an array of hits with information about each

stations = Station.find_by_name ‘Sthanshaugen’

The station objects will have attributes for name, id, type, lat and lng. lat and lng might not be available, and are then set to nil.

Finding a route between stations

Once you have the stations, you use their IDs to create a Route object:

from = stations to = stations route = Route.find(from, to) # or specify a time route = Route.find(from, to, a_time_object)

This will query for the first available route based on or the passed in time and parse the route it found, if any. The Route object will have a duration attribtue for the duration of the trip in minutes, and a steps array with a Step object for each leg of the journey. Each Step tells you its type (walk, wait, tram, subway, boat, train, bus), duration in minutes, and arrival and departure station names along with times for these. All these are attributes on the Step object.


  • Also include ‘area’ stations, which are not actual stations but regions

  • Implement finding routes by street address

  • Implement via-stations to chain routes together

  • Let the depart and arrive stations in Step be actual Station objects

Note on Patches/Pull Requests

  • Fork the project.

  • Make your feature addition or bug fix.

  • Add tests for it in spec/

  • Commit, do not mess with Rakefile or VERSION. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but

    bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
  • Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.

Running tests


If you get errors about missing gems - just install them.

Copyright © 2010 Rune Botten. See LICENSE for details.