
Command line tool that parses a yaml file in a directory to update and report on a collection of repositories.


Install the Ruby Gem track-repos:

gem install track-repos


Create a .tracked-repos.yaml file to update and keep track of either existing git repositores or new ones you intend to add.

There are currently three types of git repositores that can be tracked andupdated:

  1. Regular git repositories.
  2. Git clones of Subversion repositories
  3. Git clones of git mirrors of subversion repositories (need to explicity request new tags).

Here's an example yaml configuration file that tracks the Ruby Gems aasm, and builder. Normally the master branch is fetched hower the specifiction for thr builder gem indicates that the trunk branch should be checked out and tracked.In addition the arduino project which is located in a Subersion repository is checked out as a git clone of a subversion repository.

- :path: aasm
- :path: buildr
  :branch: trunk
  :remote: git://
- :path: arduino
- :path: ruby
  :branch: trunk
  :remote: git://

The last item in the list specifies that the source code for Ruby should be checked out. In this case it is being cloned from a git repository on github which is a miirror of the main Ruby Subversion repository. This tpe if differentiated from a normal git repository because an additional action is taken to manually fetch any updated tags.

The .tracked-repos.yaml file is a YAML serialization of the kind of data expressed in this Ruby Hash. Each type of external repositor consists of an array of repository specificationns with keys for :path and :remote git url, as well as an optional key for the :branch that should be tracked The defatult is the master branch and does not need to be specified.

{ :git =>
      { :path=>"aasm-git",
        :remote=>"" },
      { :path=>"buildr-git",
        :remote=>"git://" }
  :git_svn =>
      { :path => "arduino-svn-git",
        :remote => "" }
  :git_clones_of_git_svn_mirrors_of_svn_repos =>
      { :path => "ruby-git",
        :branch => "trunk",
        :remote => "git://" }


Change to the directory with the .tracked-repos.yaml file and run the command-line tool:



$ bin/trackrepos --help
Usage: trackrepos
    -s YAMLFILE,                     Use specification file YAMLFILE instead of '.tracked-repos.yaml'
    -d YAMLDIRECTORYFILE,            Use specification file YAMLDIRECTORYFILE instead of '.tracked-directories.yaml'
    -v, --verbose                    Display yaml specification file
    -g, --generate                   Generate and display yaml specification suitable for a '.tracked-repos.yaml'
                                     file from existing repositories

Tracking directories

You can also use a yaml specification file that just has lists of paths with yaml repository specifications.

The defautt name for a directory tracking file: .tracked-directories.yaml

This directory tracking file would cause trackrepos to process yaml repository specifications in both dir1/ and dir2/

- dir1
- dir2

Specifying different names for yaml specification files

This example looks in the file tracked-directories.yaml in the current directory and looks for the file tracked-repos.yaml in each of the directroies it references.

$ trackrepos -d tracked-directories.yaml -s tracked-repos.yaml


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request