
Simple user activity tracking for Ruby and Rails developers


TrackMe is based on the idea that an actor performs an event.

To setup your event class add the following: include TrackMe::Event

To setup your actor class add the following: include TrackMe::Actor

By default, TrackMe looks for an event class called 'Event'. If you would like to change this then set the following: self.event_klass = CLASS

Once setup, you can track a users activity in the following way: current_user.track_me(category: 'View')


TrackMe events have the following options:

  • :actor (required) - The object that did the event
  • :category (required)- The event category, such as 'Message'
  • :label (optional)- The label of the event category, such as 'New'
  • :value (optional)- The value of the event category label, such as 'Hello Bob!'
  • :created_at (optional)- The date the event occurred, such as '2013-09-29 12:00:00'

TrackMe needs the following fields to save events:

  • actor_id - Integer
  • category - String
  • label - String
  • value - String
  • created_at - Date/Time

Rails Example

First, add the TrackMe gem to your Gemfile:

gem 'trackme'

Next, you need to setup a model to be the actor, this is most likely going to be your User model.

class User
  include TrackMe::Actor

  # … existing model code

Then you need to setup a model to save the events, in most cases you will need to create a new model with the fields actor, category, label, value.

In a Rails app backed by Postgress you would set this up with by running the following on the command line:

rails g model event actor_id:integer category:text label:text value:text -t nil

rake db:migrate

And add the following to your Event model:

class Event
  include TrackMe::Event

  # … existing model code

Let's say you have a Messages controller and you want to track when a user sends a message, you would add the following code to your create action:

class MessagesController
  # … existing controller code

  def create
    # … existing code
    @sender = User.find(params[:sender_id])
    @sender.track_me(category: 'Message', label: 'New', value: @message.body)

  # … more controller code

That's it! Now you are able to track users activity.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request