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This gem allows you to easily use the Pivotal Tracker v5 API.

It’s powered by Faraday and Virtus.

Basic Usage

client = 'my-api-token')                    # Create API client

projects = client.projects                                                # Get all projects
project  = client.project(123456)                                         # Find project with given ID

project.stories                                                           # Get all stories for a project
project.stories(with_state: :unscheduled, limit: 10)                      # Get 10 unscheduled stories for a project
project.stories(filter: 'requester:OWK label:"jedi stuff"')               # Get all stories that match the given filters
project.story(847762630)                                                  # Find a story with the given ID

epics = project.epics                                                     # Get all epics for a project
epic  = epics.first
label = epic.label                                                        # Get an epic's label

Eager Loading

See Pivotal Tracker API documentation for how to use the fields parameter.

client = 'my-api-token')                    # Create API client

client.project(project_id, fields: ':default,labels(name)')               # Eagerly get labels with a project
client.project(project_id, fields: ':default,epics')                      # Eagerly get epics with a project


  • Pagination
  • Create, Update, Delete of Resources


Currently this client supports read-only access to Pivotal Tracker. We will be extending it as our use cases require, but are always happy to accept contributions.

  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request