
Track changes to websites by probing them on a regular basis. Changes will be reported via email and/or RSS feed.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'trackchange'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install trackchange


# Set email
trackchange email <email>

# Set path to store RSS feed
trackchange rss <path>

# Set slack hook
trackchange slack <url>

# Add site
trackchange add <url>

# List sites
trackchange list

# Remove site
trackchange remove <pos>

# Probe
trackchange probe

# Install probe into crontab
trackchange install

# Uninstall probe from crontab
trackchange uninstall


Trackchange creates its configuration file in ~/.trackchange/config.yml.


This is the command to fetch the tracked sites. %url% will be substituted by the requested site url.

The default command is

lynx -nolist -dump '%url%' | uniq

Here are some alternatives you might want to experiment with. (Unfortunately pandoc only works with http, not with https and does not follow redirects, hence the version with curl.)

lynx -dump '%url%' | uniq | sed -e "/References/,/\s+[0-9]+\. h/d"

lynx -nolist -dump '%url%' | uniq

pandoc '%url%' -t markdown

pandoc '%url%' -t plain

curl -sL '%url%' | pandoc -t plain

phantomjs %queryscript% '%url%' '%selector%'

slack_hook (optional)


slack (optional)

Allows to change the defaults...

  • channel
  • username
  • icon_emoji

rss_path (optional)


feed_size (optional)


log_level (optional)


sites (mandatory)

A list of sites, with the following properites.

url (mandatory)

The url of the site to be tracked.

threshold (optional)

If a threshold is given, no notification will be sent if the number of changed lines is below or equal the given vaule.

selector (optional)

If a selector is given, it will be used as a CSS3 selector to reduce the output to. The selector feature is only available if trackchange is configured to use phantomjs to fetch the content, i.e.

fetch: phantomjs %queryscript% '%url%' '%selector%'

The query script will return plain text. If no selector is given, the query script will select the body tag by default.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request