
A Rake task that helps you find missing indexes in your Rails app.


Put this line in your Gemfile: gem 'traceindex'

Then bundle: % bundle


Just run the following command in your Rails app directory.

% rake traceindex

If you want the rake task to fail when errors are found.

% FAIL_ON_ERROR=1 rake traceindex

If you want the rake task to ignore foreign_keys.

% IGNORE_FOREIGN_KEY=1 rake traceindex

How do I tell it to ignore columns?

Create a .traceindex.yaml or .traceindex.yml file in your root directory.

yaml ignore_tables: - action_mailbox_inbound_emails - action_text_rich_texts - active_storage_attachments - active_storage_blobs - active_storage_variant_records ignore_columns: - users.created_user_id ignore_foreign_keys: - users.created_user_id

Copyright (c) 2020 Akira Kusumoto. See MIT-LICENSE file for further details.