Odin Caesar Cipher

This repository is a solution to the Odin Caesar Cipher problem. This code is overkill for such a simple project. The point of this project is to practice the skills required to turn an idea into a deployment.

Install Gem Locally

gem install tog_caesar

Command Line Usage

caesar "my message" 5
# rd rjxxflj

Ruby API Usage

require 'tog_caesar'

Caesar.cipher("my message", 5)
# => "rd rjxxflj"

Local Development

Requirements: Git, Docker

# Clone the repository and open the directory
git clone [email protected]:tacoda/odin-caesar-cipher.git && cd odin-caesar-cipher/

# Build the image

# Clean the build and remove the image

# Run all rspec tests in the container

# Run a particular rspec test in the container
script/test spec/caesar_spec.rb:24 --format=doc

# Run the program with arguments in the container
script/run "my message" 5