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Ruby gem which will allow to convert from ordinal numbers to cardinal numbers. It only supports ordinals from 1 to 100.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'to_cardinal'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install to_cardinal


Please use which ever is most comfortable:

You can use ToCardinal without include it in a class.
Just require to_cardinal into your Ruby code and use cardinalize method from Module

require 'to_cardinal'

# some ordinal numbers to cardinals
ToCardinal.cardinalize 'first'   # => 1
ToCardinal.cardinalize '1st'     # => 1
ToCardinal.cardinalize 'fourth'  # => 4
ToCardinal.cardinalize '4th'     # => 4

You can include ToCardinal in String Ruby’s core library.
Just require to_cardinal/core_ext/string into your Ruby code and use String#to_cardinal method.

require 'to_cardinal/core_ext/string'

# some ordinal numbers to cardinals
'first'.to_cardinal   # => 1
'1st'.to_cardinal     # => 1
'fourth'.to_cardinal  # => 4
'4th'.to_cardinal     # => 4

You can include ToCardinal in a String's sub-class.
Just require to_cardinal into your Ruby code and then include it in your sub-class

require 'to_cardinal'

class A < String
  include ToCardinal

# some ordinal numbers to cardinals'first').to_cardinal   # => 1'1st').to_cardinal     # => 1'fourth').to_cardinal  # => 4'4th').to_cardinal     # => 4

If you are in Ruby on Rails and you want to use ToCardinal like String#to_cardinal. You can create an initializer file like this:

# your_project/config/initializers/to_cardinal.rb
require 'to_cardinal/core_ext/string'

# And then you use it
'first'.to_cardinal   # => 1
'1st'.to_cardinal     # => 1
'fourth'.to_cardinal  # => 4
'4th'.to_cardinal     # => 4


  1. Fork it ([my-github-username]/to_cardinal/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


Distributed under the MIT license

First of all, thank ruby community for your help! :punch: