
This is a simple Rails gem full text search engine. It uses the local database for reverse indexing and to log search queries. Multi-model searches are supported.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'tkh_search'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Install initializer and migrations:

$ rake tkh_search:install

Or, upon updating the gem:

$ rake tkh_search:update

Run the migrations:

$ rake db:migrate

Indexing the Models

In any model you want to index and search, copy/paste and customize the following code:

tkh_searchable # for after_save re-indexing hooks
def self.tkh_search_indexable_fields
  # The key is the attribute name, the value is the desired strength.
  # By the way, your model needs a title or a name attribute. Real or virtual.
  # Necessary to display result links
  indexable_fields = {
    title: 8,
    description: 3,
    body: 2

Optionally the model may have a 'published?' attribute, virtual or not, to later refine admin and public searches.

To index a model's records, use the 'reverse_indexing' class method. Example:


Having configured all the models you wish to index in your search engine, you can index them all at once by first setting up the initializer.

TkhSearch::TkhSearchable.indexable_models = %w( Page Post Event WhateverYouWant )

and secondly, by pointing your browser to: /index_all_models

What about new and updated records?

Any single record will be indexed upon saving.

Searching your site

Simple Setup - Searching one model in any given page

Render the basic search form:

<%= render 'search/search_form', models_to_search: 'Page' %>

By default the search is ajaxified. Just below the form, place a div to host the results:

<div class="js-search-results"></div>

Searching multiple models

Just send the model names to the partial

<%= render 'search/search_form', models_to_search: 'Page Post Event' %>

Search form in Bootstrap navbar

There is a form partial to that effect.

<%= render 'search/search_form_for_navbar', models_to_search: 'Page' %>

Multiple search forms in a page

In this case you have to tell the gem in which div to render the results.

<%= render 'search/search_form', models_to_search: 'Page', results_css_class: 'blog-js-search-results' %>

And of course, you need to place a div with the same class name under your form.

Customize the submit button value

This can also be used for the sake of localization

<%= render 'search/search_form', models_to_search: 'Event', submit_label: 'find an awesome event' %>

Search Stats

Administrators can see the indexing and searching stats at


Missing Features

This gem is brand new and will grow and mature.

Issues and pull requests welcome on Github.


  1. Fork it ([my-github-username]/tkh_search/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request