
The best damn titlecase function. (Or at least on its way.)


The most thorough titlecasing function I found was Patrick Hogan's in his sterile gem. I started with his titlecasing function and expanded to include some more logic to bring it closer to the AP guidelines and handle more fringe cases.


Titlify provides functionality both as class methods on the Titlify module and as extensions to the String class.

Titlify.titlify("make title") # => "Make Title"

"make title".titlify # => "Make Title"

title = "make title"
title # => "Make Title"


Format text appropriately for titles. This method is much smarter than ActiveSupport's titlecase. The algorithm is based on work done by John Gruber et al (http://daringfireball.net/2008/08/title_case_update). It gets closer to the AP standard for title capitalization, including proper support for small words and handles a variety of edge cases.

"Q&A with Steve Jobs: 'That's what happens in technology'".titlify
# => "Q&A With Steve Jobs: 'That's What Happens in Technology'"

"Small word at end is nothing to be afraid of".titlify
# => "Small Word at End Is Nothing to Be Afraid Of"


Not Yet Published

Install with RubyGems:

gem install titlify


Copyright (c) 2012 Josh Hepworth, released under the MIT License. http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license