


On-memory text classifier command line tool, based on naive bayes.


% gem install tiny-classifier

If you hope to use --tokenizer=mecab, you need to install MeCab like:

% sudo apt install mecab mecab-ipadic-utf8

This is example on Ubuntu.

Basic usage


% echo "Hello, world!"        | tc-train --categories=positive,negative positive
% echo "I'm very very happy!" | tc-train --categories=positive,negative positive
% echo "I'm so bad..."        | tc-train --categories=positive,negative negative
% echo "Oh my god!"           | tc-train --categories=positive,negative negative

The training data will be saved as tc.negative-positive.dat (tc. is the fixed prefix, .dat is the fixed suffix. The middle part is filled by given categories automatically.) in the current directory. If you hope the file to be saved in any different place, please specify --base-dir=/path/to/data/directory.

Untraining for mistakes:

% echo "I'm so bad..." | tc-untrain --categories=positive,negative positive

Testing to classify:

% echo "Happy day?" | tc-classify --categories=positive,negative

If you think that the classifier has been enoughly trained, then you can generate a fixed classifier:

% tc-generate-classifier --categories=positive,negative --output-dir=/path/to/dir

Then a fixed classifier (executable Ruby script) will be generated as tc-classify-negative-positive (tc-classify- is the fixed prefix, rest is filled by given categories automatically.)

% ls /path/to/dir/
% echo "Happy day?" | /path/to/dir/tc-classify-negative-positive

Command line parameters


-c, --categories=CATEGORIES (required) : A comman-separated list of categories. You should use only alphabetic characters. (Non-alphabetical characters will cause problems.)

-d, --data-dir=PATH (optional) : The path to the directory that the training data to be saved. The current directory is the default value.

-t, --tokenizer=TOKENIZER (optional) : Tokenizer for input which is not separated by whitespaces. Possible values are: only mecab.

tc-train and tc-untrain specific parameters

Both tc-train and tc-untrain require one command line argument: the category. You need to specify one of categories given via the --categories parameter.

tc-generate-classifier specific parameters

-o, --output-dir=PATH (optional) : The path to the directory that the classifier to be saved. The current directory is the default value.

Copyright (c) 2017 YUKI "Piro" Hiroshi


GPLv3 or later. See LICENSE.txt for details.