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Opening Data, one Tin at a time.

Rails Engine developed in the context of the Ayuntamiento de Madrid's Open Data project #OpenMad.


Add gem to Gemfile:

gem 'tin_opener', github: 'dgilperez/tin_opener'

Add a mounting point to your routes.rb

mount TinOpener::Engine => "/tin_opener"

Run migrations:

rake tin_opener:install:migrations
rake db:migrate

This gem provides the following models:

  • TinOpener::DataSet is any type of data structure you declare in your data domain. It's defined by it's name and headers, which in turn is a hash of key name and data type pairs.
  • TinOpener::Record is a instance of data belonging to a DataSet format, extracted from any CSV form.

Data input format support:

  • CSV
  • XLS (basic)


Support for more data formats:

  • XLST
  • XLS (test different scenarios)
  • XML
  • Custom Data Sources


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request

Also, you should read and follow our Code of Conduct.


To see the generous people who have contributed code, take a look at the contributors list.



Copyright (c) 2015 David Gil Pérez, released under the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC license