timestamped_column Build Status Dependency Status

Records the modification time for specific database columns on individual records (using ActiveRecord).


Tested and works with:

  • Ruby: 1.8.7, 1.9.2, 1.9.3 and REE.
  • Rails: 3.0, 3.1, 3.2 and edge.


Add timestamped_column to your Gemfile:

gem 'timestamped_column'


Usage is similar to how created_at/updated_at function in Rails. All you need to start tracking attribute modification times is to add a new column to store the modification value. The column that tracks the modification value should be suffxed with either _updated_at or _updated_on.


If you have a model User with an attribute name that you want to track the modification time of you just simple add an column named name_updated_at (or name_updated_on) to the users table.

timestamped_column checked for the presence of columns named like this and automatically updates these when the attributes they track are changed.